'I think that was an upgrade from good looking, wasn't it Gumdrop?'

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Forks High School
Cafeteria - Day

Couple of days had gone by since the fight between the twins and let's just say Charlie was not a happy camper. He had to take Bella to the hospital for her broken nose, he grounded the both of them but once Charlie and Harley were alone, he asked how she was and there were a lot of tears after that.

It was now School time and we can see Bella carrying her tray to an empty table, but looks over at Mike, Angela, Jessica, Harley and Eric. Bella glares at Harley before taking a breath, then casually joins them. They take note, but keep talking.

"I'll kill Tyler if he gave me his flu." Jessica says, letting a small cough.

"It's going around. My sister was so sick she couldn't come on our hike this weekend... so she didn't see it." Angela informs, suddenly getting a scared look on her face towards the end.

"Ang, maybe you should keep that to yourself --" Angela cuts Eric off.

"We saw something, Eric."

"I believe you." Eric says, doubtfully.

"No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky." Jessica says, bored of the conversation already.

Eric looks suddenly hopeful. "Is that an option?" Harley scoffs at this, hitting his shoulder.

"Don't be a dick."

Angela ignores them, getting even more frightened. "It was jet black and huge, on all fours it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe." Harley rubs Angela's shoulder in comfort.

"Or Bigfoot." Jessica says jokingly.

" Or an alien. Lucky you didn't get probed." Mikes adds, wiggling his eyebrows jokingly.

"... We saw it." Angela mumbles quietly.

Harley looks towards the others when she sees Angela getting even more upset. " You guys, Angela isn't the only one seeing it. Dad's been getting reports at the sheriff's station, apparently some hikers have gone missing. People are getting scared of what's out there, it must be dangerous." Now everyone's chilled. Bella glares at Harley, her nose still a little swollen from where Harley hit her.

Mike chuckles nervously. "I did hear some guy talking about it at the store."

Eric puts an arm around Angela. "Last time you clowns doubted my girlfriend."

As they continue, Angela mouths 'thanks' to Harley. They share a smile, Harley winks to her jokingly and both join into the conversation. Bella watches on, glaring every now and then at Harley.


La Push
Clearing in Forest - Next Day

We can see Bella and Jacobs faces just inches apart.

"You look scared." Jacob comments, looking into her eyes.

"I'm not." Bella says, lying. They pull back to see she's straddling the now completed motorcycle. Jacob stands next to her, holding the bike up. Harley stands next to another motorcycle, watching the two in curiosity. There's an intimacy to their proximity. The bike is aimed down a dirt road. Jacob runs through the instructions with Bella.

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