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Swan House
Harley's Room

A couple of days had gone past since Bella and Harley found out about the wolf pack, Harley now understood the whole secrecy thing they held around her when she would visit them in La Push. With everything now out in the open, they were more welcoming to her. Of course they were nice to her before but now that she knew what they were, they became more outgoing and friendlier with her.

Of course when it came to the discussion of the Cullens and why Harley hung around them, she had to explain the whole soulmate thing. They understood once she explained but that didn't mean they had to like her being mated to vampires, especially Paul, he was upset that his friend would have to become a vampire.

Bella would go down to La Push everyday, going after school and on the weekends for the whole day. The whole pack wasn't comfortable with her around, especially Jake when he saw a whole other side of her that would sacrifice her own twin sister if it meant saving her own life. Bella was determined to have her personal sun back while also trying to get the whole pack to like her, but it wasn't working how she wanted it to.

She thought back to the meadow and how the wolves were there when she pushed Harley but shook the thought away, believing they arrived after she pushed her sister. She tried to find out more information about the wolf pack, wanting to know everything about them but they were very tight lipped around her which frustrated and angered Bella.

She would watch as they interacted around Harley when she would come over from time to time, her anger for Harley growing each time she came over to La Push. She couldn't understand why they liked her nutty sister more than her, at least she wasn't hearing voices in her head.


Back with Harley, she was happy with how her life was going, she had her friends in La Push and her mates always found ways to contact her. It was hard being away from them at first, a pain in her chest was always present until they came back into her everyday life but the wolves helped her with her loneliness that even her father could not fill when he hung out with her.

Charlie was great, trying to bring her on his fishing trips that he went on and sitting through his sport shows where they would yell at the tv when a referee wasn't being fair but he couldn't fill in the supernatural side of it all. Harley couldn't talk to him about her soulmates, how deep the connection they had and how they were it for her.

Of course that didn't stop her from showing how much she appreciated him unlike Bella who wouldn't even say an 'I love you' to him, she always saw the hurt expression when he would say it to Bella but she wouldn't say it back.

That was the start of arguments between the sisters. Harley hated how Bella treated their father, he was always trying his best to connect with his daughters and understand them, especially Harley with the voices which made him an amazing dad in her eyes.

As Harley swung her legs and forth, laying on her stomach on the bed, she was deep in concentration. She was trying to figure out what to get her father for his birthday, which was a Month away.

Harley came out of her thoughts when she heard movement downstairs, knowing her sister was in La Push and Charlie at work she went on alert. Slowly she stands from the bed, reaching for her mallet that rested on the stand near in bed before slowly walking out of her room.

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