'You're My New Best Friend'

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Swan House

In a bedroom that faces into the woods, we can see Harley sitting on top of her pink quilted bed, putting more decorations onto her mallet that was gifted to her by Emmett on her birthday. Her face is set into concentration, wanting to make sure she doesn't mess anything up when decorating.

Suddenly her bedroom door bangs open, startling Harley out of her concentration and resulting in her nearly messing up. She looks up to see Bella in the doorway, her face set in an angry, depressed look. Harley looks at her in confusion, wondering why she was here when she had never stepped foot into her room since the breakup.

"What's the matter Cupcake?" Bella let's out a huff, the anger growing in her eyes.

"I'm going to Jacobs tomorrow and Dad won't let me go unless you come along." Harley scrunches her eyebrows in confusion before realisation hits her. Charlie wanted her to keep an eye out on Bella, make sure she didn't anything stupid - Which was already too late in her opinion - and that she actually spends time with Jacob getting better.

"Okey Dokey, I'll make sure ta get up in time to leave. What time do ya want me ready Cupcake?"

Bella crosses her arms, she clearly doesn't want her to come but has no choice but to let her. "I'm leaving at 9, be ready otherwise I'm leaving you behind." She stomps out of her room, her footsteps echoing through the hall until she reaches her bedroom, her door slamming shut.

Harley watches with sad eyes, wondering what had happened to the sister she once knew. Letting out a sigh, standing up to put her mallet away before going to bed for the night. Turning off the light and letting her consume itself in darkness, she let's out another sigh while looking at a picture of the Poly couple on her nightstand.

"I wish you were here, Pumpkin, Puddin. I miss you." She closes her eyes, sleep taking her away from reality.


The Black's House
Next Day

Bella pulls up in her truck with Harley in the passenger seat, a tarp covering something big in the back. Jacob comes out of the house. A huge grin

"Bella! Crazy!"

Both girls hop out, Jacob gives Bella a hug first. Bella's surprised by his affection, but doesn't mind. He turns to Harley and hugs her, lifting her up and spinning them both around. Harley let's out a squeal at his actions. He let's go of her, a wide smile on both of their faces.

"Hiya Gundrop!"

Jacob looks to Bella with little surprise but mostly happiness that his crush had come down. "'Bout time you came by. You can only take so much of Harley before you start to go crazy yourself." He says this last part teasingly towards Harley who let's out a loud laugh at his words.

"You love me Gumdrop, you wouldn't have me any other way." She says back, bouncing on the balls of her feet and her smile never leaving her face.

Bella looks between them before cutting them off before she gets any more angrier with Harley just being here. "I brought you something." She walks to the back of the truck, both Jacob and Harley following curiously, Harley not having seen what Bella had put on the back of the truck. Bell pulls the tarp back, revealing her neighbor's two dilapidated, rusting motorcycles.

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