'This Is So Awesome'

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Forks High School
Parking Lot - Another Day

Harley and Bella climb out of the truck, Harley looks around with a smile before skipping towards Angela and Eric. Bella lags behind, an angry scowl resting upon her face.

Angela looks to Harley, who comes to stand by her side, and points to an unhappy Bella.

"What's wrong with her?" Harley looks to Bella and let's out a huff.

"Besides everything being wrong with her." Angela nudges her a little, a small smirk on her face with Eric snickering at the comment. "Jacob, a friend of ours hasn't been talking to her lately." Harley shrugs. "I've told Bella he's sick and maybe he doesn't want to make her sick as well if she visits, but she's not listening and we got into another fight about it."

Eric shakes his head a little at this. "Wow, Bella's turned into a right Bitch." Angela hits his shoulder, shaking her head at him.

"Don't be mean, she's just..."Angela pauses a little, a frown on her face. "Going through some stuff." Harley scoffs at this, shooting Angela a doubtful look.

"Honeypie, I don't think her 'going through some stuff' warrants her to be a right bitch, especially to her twin." Angela sighs.

"I know. I know."


Bella's Bedroom

Harley pauses outside Bella's room, she was going to get some water from the kitchen but stopped when she could hear Bella pacing and the phone ringing. 'BEEEEP'

"Me again. I just... need to hear your voice..." Hayley let's out a scoff at this before continuing on towards the kitchen, her kitty slippers softly meowing as she walks.



Bella's on the phone, leaving yet another message. In the living room, Charlie and Harry check their fishing gear, Harley watches them.

"Jacob. Please. Call me."

She hangs up, leans her forehead against the phone. Charlie enters, Harley skips past him to the fridge. "Harry and I will be back by three-" He stops when he sees her. Puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's mono, Bells."

"He's too sick to even call?" Bella whines, Harley shakes her head before taking the orange juice out of the fridge.

"You just gotta wait it out." Charlie pauses. "You know, I don't have to go fishing..."

Bella forces a smile. "No, go. I'll call Jess or someone."

"Good. But stay here or at Jess's. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears." Bella nods, eyes avoiding his. Once the men leave, Harley looks to Bella accusingly.

"Watcha doin Bella?" Bella glares at her.

"It's none of your business." Harley puts on a thinking face.

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