Part 8

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M.k mansion.....

It was fully decorated with yellow and white combination for Haldi Ceremony......

Abhi and Meera come downstairs perfectly dressed...., but abhi was not interested in all this, he was more interested in pragya and was thinking if she will come or whatever happened yesterday he was confused with that...

Mitali: so, let's start the ceremony....

Abhi: no bhabhi, until pragya comes ceremony won't start...(alia was about to speak but abhi stops her) that's final.....

Abhi sees someone coming and gets shocked seeing him in his mansion...., pallavi gets highly happy...., it's Vansh...

Abhi: tum yahan....

Vansh: u welcome ur guest by asking this...

Pallavi comes and hugs him, and alia informs that last day Vansh saved meera and he is pallavi's brother, so she invited him for the haldi....abhi nods and shakes hand with Vansh....and also gets angry remembering his and pragya's closeness....

Pallavi: Thank u so much Vansh u came, after whatever happened I did...(she was interrupted by someone....its kokila)

Kokila: after u ruined our family name and my husband got paralyzed coz of u.., right Mrs. Pallavi kohli.....

Pallavi was shocked and happy and emotional seeing her mother after 25 years..., she goes to touch her feet..., but Kokila moves backwards...

Kokila: I didn't came here to join a relation with u..., I hate u.., I came here for my new Business partner abhishek mehra....

Abhi tells everyone that they had a deal with Raisinghania Empire in the morning, so he invited Kokila..., abhi gets surprised knowing that Kokila is pallavi and Vansh's mom....

Pallavi tries to talk Kokila but she insults her, and makes her away..., pallavi gets emotional and leaves to her room crying....

Kokila: so Mr. Mehra, let's start actually I was in hurry as Vansh have to leave for London today....

Abhi thinks " it's good that he's leaving..., or else pragya se Chipka rehta, but where is pragya....."


Pallavi was crying in her room, thinking about her mother's hate towards her.... she was in vulnerable condition....Ranbir comes their....

Ranbir: karma is a bitch, if u make someone cry even u won't stay happy mom....

Pallavi looks on...,

Ranbir: don't give me that look mom, a day ago u behaved with prachi so bad that she got a panic attack, and her mom took her away from this city, yes prachi shifted some other place which I don't know, all coz of u and that Rhea....

Pallavi: Rhea is not at fault...

Ranbir: sari musibat ki jad hai wo..., that bloody..., and u mom, that day u gave me swear that I won't leave this house for prachi, and what about u what u did, even u ran away from your house for your love and never looked back, your he got a paralyzed coz of u...,u know what mom, u r just a double standard women nothing more than that.....

Pallavi: Ranbir..., how could u say this I'm your mom..., and Rhea is perfect for u...

Ranbir: Rhea, Rhea my foot...(rhea who came to call pallavi was about to enter the room) think of the devil and devil is here..., u r disgusting rhea, I hate u and mom, I'm breaking that so called engagement u fixed with rhea... I won't tolerate this nonsense...(points at Rhea and closes the door on her face) listen mom now if u wanna talk with me, u won't keep any relationship with rhea...

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