Part 17

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Vansh's eyes were red due to anger..., while pragya don't how to react as she didn't saw this Version of before....

Vansh: enough of your nonsense behavior Ms. Pragya Arora...., today I'll show u the truth, come with me....

Vansh drags her towards the car and makes her sit in it.., and himself starts driving rashly..., pragya was just sitting like a innocent kid who got scolded by parents....,

They both reach A.R villa....,

Vansh holds her hand and takes her a Room.., that Room was full of different pictures and all sides of wall..., pragya, prachi, Vansh, Kokila ,Disha, Ritik ..., their solo photo, group photo, couple photo, prachi's childhood photos n all...

Vansh: which room is this...

Pragya: Memory Room, we keep all the photograph and album.., which has our beautiful memories in this room., the time which we spent together in last 20 years...

Vansh: thank you.., thank you Ms. Arora, at least u remember that we spent 2 decades together...., that's really nice of u....

Pragya: Vansh what r u speaking....

Vansh: and now u tell me, how many time did u spent with that abhishek mehra...and u need an accurate answer...

Pragya: after marriage 3 years and then with Kiara 1 year....

Vansh: 4.., in total u spent only 4 years with that man.., and even in that 4 yeare u didn't get any peace with that man...,right...(pragya nods and he shouts..) so just for a love with whom u spent 4 years.., u were running on road like a insane without caring about your life....., then what we are for u r pragya.., Mom, prachi, disha and me..., what are we to u.., u spent 20 years with us..., don't we matter to u...(he was highly hurt as pragya didn't cared about her life and was about to get hit by a truck....)

Pragya: Vansh...I...I.. (Vansh was on verge of crying...)

Vansh: no

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Vansh: no.., today only I'll speak and u will listen...,(he holds her by shoulder) what do u think only u have feelings.., and what we are Robots??, pragya ne bola utho, uth gaye, baitho, baith gaye..., no pragya Arora, life is not what u think, we are with u coz we love u..., in last 20 years, me, disha and mom we have told u infinite times to forget that man and move on, but no u spent this 20 years and what's the result..., tumhara so called pyaar, kisi aur ka ho gaya, he's married to that meera..., woh bhi kiske liye, that bitch Rhea who tried to kill ur daughter......(pragya looks down.., Vansh wipes his tears) pragya we aren't your enemies but that man surely is..., what about Isha ..., y she came back.., y prachi didn't got well.., all thanks to your so called husband..., yesterday u told me that u wanna ruin abhishek mehra, n today u were going to die coz of him..., that man is in delhi... and u were imagining him here in London....

Pragya: it wasn't my imagination Vansh, I really saw..., n I wasn't running behind him coz I love him..., I just wanted to know that y he came here...., and as I said yesterday I want to ruin that man, and I started my planning for that, I got 25% shares of M.k Industries..., and soon I'll take over his all properties and then he will be ruined...

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