Part 21

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The Marriage Day....

M.k mansion....

Isha's Room....

Kokila and Pallavi comes their with Isha's Bridal dress...., pallavi talked very nicely to Isha, while Isha was irritated by her...

Prachi/Isha thinks " sasuma.., let this marriage happen then I'll show u my real face and trust me, u will definitely get a mini heart attack...."

Pallavi: Mom, I thought at least on marriage, Vansh and his wife will come here.., who will do her kanyadan...

Kokila: pallavi, beta I told u na that Vansh had an accident.., doctor advised him not to travel.., and my daughter in law..,and Isha's mom.., won't leave Vansh alone...

Pallavi: ok..,mom as u say...

Pallavi left, while Kokila was teary eyed.., Prachi/Isha gets worried seeing her....

Prachi/Isha: what happened dadimom, y r u so crying,  any problem...

Kokila: I don't know beta.., I'm just worried about pragya and Vansh's reaction, they are coming back Tomorrow.., they had many dreams of your marriage.., and don't what will they think of us...

Prachi/Isha: even I'm feeling guilty for that, but don't once I take revenge, then we will do my all marriage rituals again that too with mumma and pops..., anyway did u got the papers signed by Ranbir...

Kokila gives Isha some papers...,

Kokila: I made him sign, in a lie that this are some investments for ur future.., and tricked him to sign this...

Isha smirks...

Isha: perfect, I know that Ranbir loves me, but in case he goes against me then also I have to be prepared....

Isha gets a Call..., she picks up and gets shocked hearing the caller...

Isha(shouts): what nonsense, y didn't u tell me earlier..., are u mad...

Kokila was shocked by her reaction...

Kokila: what happened Isha.

Isha: dadimom, mom and dad are coming India today, they will come here in 4 hours...

Kokila: what nonsense..

Isha: I don't know but desouza informed me that mom and dad left to India last night.., but it was a late night flight so they will reach India in 4 hours....

Kokila: then what's problem, your marriage is in 3 hours....

Isha: they are Industrialist Arora and V.R .., they can do anything.., I know my parents.., we have to prepone this wedding.., now it will happen in one hour.., I have a plan...

They make a plan and goes to implement it...


In the plane...

Pragya's anger was rising.., while Vansh was trying to calm her down...

Vansh: pragya baby, I know u r worried.., but trust me...

Pragya(shouts): exactly that's my mistake,  that I trusted u.., it was u who told me to trust Isha, and u convinced me not to spy on her.., and see where your daughter got us.., she's marrying that middle class Ranbir...

Vansh: baby, first u calm down...ok..,, and now listen to me.., the damage is done.., and we both know how stubborn Isha is and also she has mom's support..., so now we have to think the solution calmly...

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