Part 27

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A.R Villa....

In pragya's Room...

Pragya was in deep thoughts.., she was seeing the news of her and Vansh's Engagement.....Disha comes their...

Disha: what happened Dii.., aren't u happy with this engagement....

Pragya: Disha.., it doesn't matter if I'm happy or not.., the thing is I have to do this engagement...

Disha: that means u don't love Vansh..  but when u were in London u told me that u r moving on with Vansh...

Pragya: yes.., I'm moving on.., Vansh is not only my best friend.., he is the reason of my happiness.., the person with whom I feel secured and I get little peace.., Disha I lost my two daughters.., and now this new relationship....

Disha: hold on.., Rhea got punished for her crimes and Isha.., she's mentally ill, whatever was done by Isha and u can't blame prachi for that.., And Vansh he really loves with u dii.., if u wanna move on then plz forget that abhishek mehra completely...

Pragya gets irritated hearing abhi's name..,

Pragya(shouts): don't u dare to take that man's name..., first thing I don't love abhishek mehra anymore.., in fact I lost my belief in love.., and what do mean by move on.., do u think I have any option.., Vansh is not only my bestfriend.., he is the (puts hand on her stomach..) Father of my unborn Child.., I'm gonna become mother of Vansh's child....

Disha: dii.., calm down.., u sit first.., u should not take stress in this pregnancy state.., u know na Mid-Age pregnancy is complicated...

Pragya: I just want to start a afresh.., I don't want my unborn child.., to be away from his any parent.., like Rhea or prachi.., and now I'll marry Vansh.., no matter what happens..., I won't let my this unborn child suffer, coz of his mom's complicated life....

Vansh comes their.., and knocks.., pragya and Disha look at him.., Pragya wipes her tears..,

Vansh comes and kisses her forehead.., and hugs her..

Vansh: how are u..(pragya nods) and how is my little princess..(he hugs her stomach..)

Disha: Vansh how do y know that its gonna be girl..,

Vansh: I know coz I want my junior pragya...

Pragya: but I want a boy.., we already have a egoistic daughter..,(she frowns thinking about Isha...)

Vansh cups her face...

Vansh: baby.., Prachi is not mentally well.., and we have to be with her.., to help her to get rid of that disorder.., Pragya.., cool, u don't wanna talk to prachi., I won't force u.., but u won't scold her.., promise me.., as I'm gonna bring her here for pagphera..,

Pragya: cool.., I promise I won't fight with her.., but no one will force me to accept Kohli's or Ranbir as my son in law..., am I clear...

Vansh: as u wish..., I promise u that no one will force u to accept Prachi and Ranbir's marriage..., so shall I bring them in our house....

Pragya nods and hugs him...,

Pragya: come soon...

Vansh smiles and hugs her back.., Disha smiles seeing them....

Vansh: I Love you so much.., my to be wifey.., so u prepare for our engagement...ok.

Disha: don't worry about that, my to be jiju.., I'll get your bride ready on time...,

Vansh smiles and leaves their...

Disha: but dii.., I don't understand what was the need to announce this marriage in media....

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