Part 35

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Vansh: are u ready....

Pragya(nods): I trust u.., this is better for us..

Prachi/Isha takes them towards the Mandap...,and make them seat.., Prachi/Isha ties their Ghatbandhan..., while Vansh was thinking of pragya's words that she trusts him.., he gets teary eyed..,

In Fraction of Second Vansh stands up on Mandap..., making everyone surprised...,

Pragya looks at tears in Vansh's eyes...

A.R Villa....

Everyone was stunned by Vansh's sudden move.., kokila nods in no...

Pragya immediately gets up, and cups his face...

Pragya: what happened Vansh.., why did u stand up and y this tears...

Kokila interrupts...

Kokila: nothing pragya beta.., maybe he's just nervous..., Vansh (holds his hand and nods in no) sit now...

Vansh jerks her hand and shouts...

Vansh: enough mom.., I can never agree with u..., I'll tell the truth to pragya which she deserves to know.., I can't betray my love..., did u get that...

He points a finger at Kokila making everyone shocked..,

Pallavi(shouts): Vansh, behave don't forget she's our mom....

Vansh: sorry dii.., but u don't know the reality...

Kokila goes to Isha and wishpers...

Kokila(wishpers): stop him.., he know everything, about spiked drink incident also...

Prachi/Isha gets the shock of her life..., she looks at Vansh...

Pragya: Vansh what's happening.., what reality...

Prachi/Isha(comes and holds Vansh's hand): dad .., y r u over reacting.., this is not time for this talks..., u plz calm down...(she signs Vansh to stop)

Vansh: are u done.., now just move and stay quiet...(he says in a deadly warning tone which makes even Isha scared.., she moves backwards...)

Pragya: enough, what's happening, and Vansh which reality are u talking...

Vansh holds pragya by shoulders...

Vansh: Pragya today only I got to know everything.., Mom asked me to keep quiet but I can't marry u by keeping u in dark.., I love u very much.., and my love isn't selfish that I'll hide things to marry u....

Pragya was confused by his words...

Pragya: Vansh, I'm getting scared.., what do u mean...

Disha: exactly what's happening.., which truth...

Vansh: Pragya baby.., whatever happened with us till now was a conspiracy.., Isha had played a huge game with both of us...(everyone looks at Prachi/Isha, who was quiet and shocked) she is behind everything...

Pragya: what do u mean...

Vansh: our drinks were spiked by Isha and mom was involved with her in all this..(pragya looks on shocked, as she was expecting this but never thought her daughter will do this..) and second and most important thing, Abhi and Meera aren't married.., Their marriage didn't happened neither their haldi ceremony.....

Pragya looks at abhi and meera.., she remembers abhi telling her that he isn't married to meera but pragya slapped him..,

Pragya: no Vansh.., he's (abhi) lying.., he told me the same but that Recording..., Isha play it....

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