Part 9

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Isha takes her Car to an isolated are...., puts kerosene on it and Burns the car.....

Isha thinks " Mr. Abhishek prem mehra, u made my mom cry, haldi Krni thi aapko..., then how could I miss, so i did your haldi but not with yellow color, But by your blood....., Rhea my lil sis let the game begun..." she laughs evilly.....

In M.k mansion everyone gets to know about abhi's accident..., whiel kokila understood that it's done by Isha....,they all rush to accident spot and take him to Hospital.....

Everyone was crying for him, even Rhea was in bad situation..., The Doctors come and take him to O.T....

Inspector comes their...

Alia: Inspector do u got to know that who did the accident....

Inspector: of course who can know it better than u miss alia....

Purab: what do u mean...

Inspector: here u can see...he shows the CCTV footage to all in which its alia's car who hit abhi, and from side angle, the driver was looking like alia, the same dress which she was wearing right now....

Alia: what nonsense it's not me..., y would I kill my brother..., I was at the M.k mansion at that time....and my car is at mansion itself...

Inspector: we checked the CCTV of M.k mansion..., u were not their in party, in fact u left the house at the same time Mr. Mehra left....

Alia reminisces Kokila asked her to bring a file from her car, as Kokila is a big Investor alia didn't deny, at the same time abhi left in hurry and alia went to Kokila's car...., Alia tells the same to Inspector...

Inspector: oh really, then y didn't u return...

Alia: I was returning but some goons came their, they were troubling me....(she was interrupted by a tight slap on her face by purab...)

Purab: I thought at least u care about your brother, but no..., Inspector arrest her....

Inspector arrests alia, alia was pleading to everyone that to believe her but no one did...., dasi comes and slaps alia hard....Rhea also looks away...police takes alia away....


A.R Villa....

Isha and Kokila smirk at each other and hug each other....

Isha: this is called master stroke dadimom I cleverly trapped alia in my crime..., and u helped me...

Kokila: of course, I sent her to get my file behind abhi, then the goons we hired came their and didn't let her come back....,but what if pragya and Vansh comes to know about it....

Isha: They boarded the Flight dadimom,its a 12 hr flight, and Tomorrow they have a board meeting and a press conference, so mom and Dad will not get time to think about M.k family...

Kokila: ok, so now what next...

Isha: wait n watch....

In Hospital.....

Doctor comes out of OT....,

Rhea: Doctor how's my dad....

Doctor: he's condition is critical, he had a huge blood loss..., we need urgent blood for him...

Ranbir: then what's the problem doctor..., arrange the blood, don't think money we have plenty....

Doctor tells them that abhi has a rare blood group., which is not easily available...

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