Part 10

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Ranbir: Isha Raisinghania....

Purab: you know her...(ranbir nods...)

Ranbir: yes she's my friend.. 

Pallavi: V.R's daughter, means my niece...

Aryan: hold on ranbir, Isha means wo ch club wali...(ranbir nods) phail gaya raita.....

Rhea: what's happening..., how u guys know her and if she's is your friend then lets meet her, ranbir I know we have issues but its about dad's life...plz...

Ranbir: I don't think this is possible, moreover her face...

Rhea: what face...

Aryan: she's prachi's duplicate...., A lookalike.....

Everyone gets shocked...they ask him what does he mean, and Ranbir explains them about recent incidents...  where he saw both prachi and Isha together....

Rhea: she must be prachi...

Ranbir: no, as she is brought up in london, while prachi in hosiarpur...., I saw her social media profiles....

Dasi: bas Karo tum log, I don't care who is she but get her here, and Rhea today only ch coz of your stubbornness abhi was marrying meera, due to which prachi and pragya left him, if anything happens to my grandson..., I'll never forgive you, and also be ready to be called as ORPHAN....

Rhea stumbles hearing her....,

Rhea: no I won't let anything happen to my dad..., Doctor plz gave her address...(doctor nods)

Pallavi: I'll join u.., it's my family although they r angry with me....

Ranbir, Aryan, Rhea and Pallavi leave for A.R villa....


Prachi/Isha was sitting on sofa of living room...  she was looking something in her Laptop....

Kokila comes and see her like this...

Kokila: gudiya don't u wanna sleep....

Isha: dadimom, something interesting is gonna happen..., your daughter is coming to her mayaka, after 25 years ..., won't u welcome her....

Kokila: what pallavi is coming here..., now(Isha nods), why ...

Isha: not only pallavi, Rhea, Ranbir and aryan also....,

Kokila: but why...

Isha: have a look..., u will understand everything..., she shows her the live CCTV footage of Hospital..., in which they saw that they r coming to A.R villa for asking help....

Kokila: is this your plan...

Isha(nods): yes, of course that Rhea made my mom cry, my mom literally begged in front of her to believe her once, but no..., that bitch dragged my mom out of house..., now it's my time..., it was me who asked doctor to tell them that my blood group matches with abhi, after all he's my biological father..., its was me who bought that rare blood group's blood from all the blood banks...., now I'll make her beg in front of me.., and u will help me na dadimom....

Kokila: of course baby, jahan poti, wahan dadi..., they hi - fies....


In air - plane...

Sleep was far away from pragya while Vansh was sleeping by keeping his head on her shoulder...., pragya remembers recent events, Rhea's hatred, abhi - meera's engagement then haldi...,abhi giving her invitation, he told her that meera loves rhea more than her.....a lone tear escapes her eyes..., she wipes it...

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