Part 23

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M.k mansion....

Vansh: I support Isha, I'm with my daughter in this...

Pragya was shocked to core, while Prachi/Isha smiles..

Isha: Really pops..(Vansh nods.., she hugs him tightly) u r the best dad in the world...

Abhi was highly jealous seeing his daughter calling someone else as dad, while this came as another shocker for Rhea....

Pragya: are u in your senses Vansh.. what r u saying.., do u understand that. .

Vansh(holds pragya by shoulder): jaan, I understand that u r worried about prachi's health, but her health will be fine only if she stays happy, and her happiness is with Ranbir... and her love is not one sided, Ranbir also loves prachi.. am I right ranbir...(Ranbir nods) see(pragya) plz understand...

Pragya jerks his hands..

Pragya: understand my foot, I will never accept this boy as my son in law, and u Ranbir u r saying that u love prachi.. then what about ur family.., ur idiot mom.., will prachi be happy in this house...

Ranbir(holds pragya's hand): aunty I know there are a lot of problems in this house, especially Rhea.., but I love prachi more than my self.., and u mom(pallavi) I don't care if u accept prachi or not.. but I'm doing same with u which u and dad did with nani years ago, if u guys can fight for your love then y can't I...

Pallavi and Vikram look at each other as Ranbir is speaking same language which pallavi did years ago.., kokila smirks at pallavi....

Kokila: what happened pallavi.., how's the taste of your own medicine.., now do u understand what I went through when u married this middle class Vikram...,

Pallavi: Mom app...

Kokila: chup, I don't care if u accept prachi or not, but if u try to trouble her then remember I'll be the worse.., and u know what I can do...,

Kohli's gets scared hearing Kokila, pallavi remembers years ago Kokila tried to kill Vikram...

Pragya: oh really mom, then according to u, u don't take Vikram as your son in law, even after years, then now u both listen to me(points at Kokila and Vansh) I won't accept this boy as my son in law.., and from now onwards, I declare that I'm disowning my daughter prachi from my life, my Business, my properties and everything., which belongs to me Prachi or Isha won't be the part of that.....

Prachi/Isha gets teary eyed hearing her.., Vansh and Kokila were also shocked...

Kokila(shouts): pragya...

Pragya: I'm not pallavi, so lower your voice mom, I'm Industrialist Arora..., no one in this world can change my decision....

Vansh: pragya calm down, we will go home and talk...

Pragya: there is nothing to talk, from now onwards my both daughters prachi and Rhea are dead for me....

Rhea stumbles hearing this..,abhi holds her..

Abhi: stop it pragya what r u speaking, don't forget they are our daughters...

Meera: exactly and don't involve Rhea in this...

Pragya(shout): don't u dare to interfere in my matters, Mrs. Meera Abhishek prem mehra..., (abhi was shocked hearing this he don't understand y is pragya calling meera like this) and u abhishek mehra, first thing Rhea is not my daughter, she herself found a new mother for her.. and supported her in this, that day in mall, u only told me na that meera loves Rhea like a mother and more than me.., so in short Rhea is your and Meera's daughter.. and Regarding prachi.. let me clear u, she's not your daughter.., prachi is my and Vansh's daughter..., Vansh is her father.., do u get that..,

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