Part 34

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A.R Villa...

Abhi looks at dasi and holds her hand...

Abhi: dasi.., I'm really tired of the things happening in my life.., and I can't blame anyone as It's me who created this problem..., but now I want to make everything correct..., I don't know whether pragya loves Vansh or not.., But Vansh cares for her a lot..., and I really want pragya to stay happy.., which is only possible if she marries Vansh..,(he reminisces Isha's emotional statement to stay away from Pragya for pragya's happiness..) so now I'll get everything ready for this marriage...

Dasi looks at him and feels pity for him as she can clearly see that he was repenting on his deeds...,

Dasi: I know abhi u did mistakes but pragya is doing this marriage coz she thinks that u married meera.., at least tell her the truth and then let pragya decide whom to marry.., u or Vansh...

Abhi: she won't believe me dasi.., and neither u.., as Isha had played her game very well.., and I can't blame Isha.., as whatever she's doing is for her mother's happiness.., unlike Rhea who tried to harm everyone for her own selfish reasons...(a lone tear escape from his eyes.., he wipes it..) anyway let's complete the preparation...

Pallavi calls abhi.., he loves from their..., Dasi goes to temple and prays...

Dasi: god I don't know who's right and Wrong, but plz don't let anyone suffer neither pragya, abhi nor Vansh.., as these three lives are entangled with each other...


In Vansh's Room...

Vansh was teary eyed holding pragya's photo in his hand..., he was crying.., he reminisces his meeting with Rhea...


In a Dark Room...

Vansh comes their...

Vansh(shouts): why the hell u called me here....

A lady comes in light.., Its Rhea....

Rhea: I need your help....

Vansh looks at her....

Vansh: what kind of help...

Rhea: I want to stop mom's marriage...

Vansh was shocked and angry hearing her...

Vansh: I hope u remember I'm your mom's Fiancee, and u are asking my help to stop my own marriage.., like really...,in ur dreams.., I was a fool who came her to talk to u.., what kind of daughter ur Rhea.., y can't u see ur mother happy.., for God's sake pragya is your mom.., if u can't give her happiness at least don't give her sorrow.., and on the other side it's pragya who thinks that u r changing.., but thanks u proved her wrong..., and now u will rot in jail only.., I'll make sure of that...

Saying this Vansh turns and was about to go but Rhea's words stop him...

Rhea: I don't care about myself anymore.., I'm here to talk about my mother's happiness only.., as we both know that she doesn't love u....

Vansh freezes on his place and he know Rhea is telling the truth.., he turns to her...

Vansh: then what do u want.., u want to get pragya and abhi married.., the same man who only gave her pain by trusting u..., and married that Meera...

Rhea gets teary eyed but controls her tears...

Rhea: I just want mom to know whole truth, then it will be mom who will decide whom to marry..., Mr. Raisinghania I know u love my mom a lot and she'll be happy with u like she was in last 20 years.., but will she love u???.., That's why I'm say tell her the truth...

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