Part 26

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M.k mansion....

Kohli's and Kokila were their.., as Kokila was shifting back to M.k mansion....

Pallavi and Vikram comes forward and folds her hands in front of kokila...

Pallavi: mom.., plz forgive us..,for what we did years ago...

Kokila: pallavi.., listen years ago after u guys ran away, the whole society was laughing on us.., your dad got paralyzed..., that day I lost my daughter and husband both.., since then I handled everything this business and Vansh..,  thanks to pragya.., after she came in our life..., my responsibility got lessened.., she handled Vansh very well.., coz he was becoming an spoiled brat..., listen what u did I can't forgive, but I will let u meet your paralyzed dad.., whenever you want.., that's it.., now I'll go n see pragya..,

Pallavi gets little happy as Kokila permitted her to meet her dad...,

Vikram: we will wait for your forgiveness mom...

Kokila: I hope my grand daughter will stay happy here..., or else u know what I can do..

She says this in warning tone.., but everyone understood her concern behind that...

Ranbir: don't worry nani, prachi will be happiest with me.., no one can harm her until I'm here...

Prachi/Isha: dadimom, plz inform me about mom.., I'm worried for her and no one is picking my call.., u tell me about her mood.., so I can come and see mom...

Kokila: don't worry today was a stressful day, and also your marriage.., I'll talk to pragya.., she loves u a lot.., just coz of that idiot Rhea..,, she's not accepting Ranbir as her son in law.., tomorrow Vansh will come here to take u with him...

Ranbir: y (he puts hand on prachi's waist) I mean.., now this is her house.., y will she go their...(he makes an innocent baby face..)

Kohli's and Kokila smile while Prachi blushes.., with his reaction...

Pallavi: Ranbir I know u can't stay away from Isha.., but mom is talking about pagphera.., right mom..(kokila nods...)

Ranbir: then also.., we can do it her...

Prachi/Isha stomps on his foot.., and wishpers...

Prachi/Isha(wishpers): stop behaving like a possessive husband...,

Ranbir gives innocent look, while rest burst into laughter.....


In PRANBIR's Room....

Since it was their wedding night, the bed was decorated according to that....

Ranbir comes their and looks for Prachi/Isha..,

Ranbir: where did this girl go..

Suddenly someone hugs him from behind...,
Ranbir turns and sees prachi in a lingerie, she was looking damn hot...

Ranbir understands that its Isha not prachi...

Ranbir: so u are Isha..,

Prachi/Isha: does it really matter, I mean we both are same.., same body but different minds..., anyway let's forget that.., let's celebrate...

, let's celebrate

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Love/Obsession/possessiveness Where stories live. Discover now