Part 28

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Police Station....

Rhea was brought to a Room..., Pragya comes their...,

Rhea gets emotional seeing her.., while pragya was in same situation but gave a plane look in front of Rhea..,

Pragya: y did u called me here.., now what was remaining..., aren't u happy after Ruining everything...,

Rhea feels bad hearing pragya's taunts.., she gets teary eyed....

Rhea: Mum..,mumma...

Pragya gets emotional and speechless hearing mumma from Rhea...,

Pragya: stop their Rhea.., not a word more.., I don't want any drama more.., plz.., now don't do any emotional drama...,I beg u...

Rhea falls on her knees, holds pragya's leg and cries badly....

Rhea: I'm sorry..., I'm sorry...(sobs) plz forgive me mom..., I'm sorry...(she's crying..)

Pragya wipes her tears and speaks...

Pragya: get up Rhea.., I said get up.. (she makes Rhea stand..) do u really think that in gonna fall in your trap..., no beta, I'm your mom.., not a fool...

Rhea looks on.., this time she was genuinely repenting on her deeds but she lost everyone's trust...

Rhea: no.., no.. ,mom u always told me that, by seeing my eyes u always understand what's going on in me.., so now plz see in my eyes.., I'm really sorry for what I did with u, prachi and Dad...., plz mumma...

Pragya: that was my misconception about u.., I thought I understand u well.., but no.., tum ek girgit ho.., who changes colors according to situation..., and I'm ashamed being your mother....,

Rhea: Mom.., I'm sorry.., i know what i did is wrong..., and I'm ready to bear punishment but i can't bear your and dad's hatred..., plz don't hate me.., yesterday dad came and told that he don't want to see my face and now even u r not talking to me...,

Pragya: but y u need me.., u have your so called Meera Mom right.., u only told me that Meera is your mother and I'm an outsider.., u got her married to your dad...(Rhea looks on think that pragya thinks abhi and meera are married...) u got them married, u ruined everything..., we all would have been happy family together, me, your dad, prachi and u.., but u came in your evil buji's talks and ruined everyone's life.., so Ms. Rhea Mehra.., even u have to pay for what u did...

Rhea: no..,no mom.., dad and meera aunty aren't mar..(pragya interrupts)

Pragya(shouts): enough of u and your dad.., I'm done with u both..., (she was crying and feels dizzy...) u know what Rhea.., I'm leaving from your life forever.., I'm Marrying Vansh, and after that I will leave this country forever .., this is our last meeting....

Saying this pragya leaves from their.., while Rhea gets shocked learning about pragya and Vansh's Marriage..., she sits on place in shock....


Outside The Police Station...

Pragya was in emotional turmoil.., she was feeling bad for Rhea.., but don't know what to do.., she was about to sit in Car.., when abhi comes their and calls her...

Abhi: Pragya...,

Pragya looks at him and gets angry...,

Pragya: Mr. Mehra.., I'm warning u .., I don't want a scene here.., so plz mind your own business....

Abhi: that's what I'm doing.., I'm talking to my wife...

Pragya who was already irritated.., slaps abhi hard and holds his collar...., abhi was shocked by her actions...

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