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It was early in the morning when I got the closes piece of information through all of this of Harry's whereabouts

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It was early in the morning when I got the closes piece of information through all of this of Harry's whereabouts. I sat in the drawing-room, with my head leaning on Dracos shoulder while I silently read a book from the large selection at the Malfoy Manor. Narcissa played delicately on the grand piano that resigned in the corner of the room, a tune which was unfamiliar to me but had Draco softly humming with eyes closed in relaxation. The Malfoy way of living was oddly victorian, but I liked it. Moments like this, I wished lasted forever. It was easy to forget your troubles and the outside world when everything around you was so perfect.

Lucius Malfoy rarely joined us, and when he did, the room would tense. He wouldn't say anything unless to spit rude remarks to whoever he decided to be the target that day. 

"Master Malfoy the owl has brought back mail" A house elf with wide round green eyes informed looking up at the pale boy in front of her.

"Thank you" Draco replied lazily, not willing to open his eyes."I'll take those from you" I sat up smiling at the small creature, and she curtsied her head, handing me the stack of papers.

The first envelope was for Narcissa, which I placed on the top of the piano, trying my best not to distract the musician. Then the next three were for Lucius which I placed on the table hoping he would pick them up on his way through the drawing-room. After that, it was the Daily prophet thick with pages of stories. It was folded, revealing only the bottom of the page, a picture of Harry running along the black tiled floors at the ministry. I was sure it was an old picture. I learned not to get my hopes up, convincing myself his unkept stubble was just a shadow of sorts or a misprint of ink. Then once I unfolded the paper in front of me, I saw it: "Harry Potter seen at the ministry yesterday". My eyes went wide, and I gasped in shock, an action which woke Draco up and stopped Narcissa playing.

"Sorry" I blushed looking down at the paper again checking the publication date, an extra precaution to test my faith "Would you excuse us for a moment?" I smiled towards Mrs Malfoy who nodded with frowned brows.

Firmly I grabbed onto Dracos cold hand pulling up from his comfy position on his seat. He groaned in defiance but followed along with heavy steps like a toddler would.I shut the door of the drawing-room, and continued down the hall until I was sure we were out of ear reach."What is it? Why are you being secretive?" He asked, raising a brow.

"This!" I squealed turning the paper around showing the front cover. He rolled his eyes, tightening his grip on my hand like he expected me to run for the news.

"Why are you so excited about Potter?" He huffed, and I shook my head disapprovingly at his viewpoint."It's not who he is Draco, don't you see? It's what he is" I explained, but the look on his face demonstrated confusion. "Hope" I sighed with relief, and he snorted at that."I saw Harry every day of last year and none of those days felt like hope" he admitted letting go of my hand now to cross his arms across his chest.

"This is different" I pleaded, holding the paper to my chest like it would disappear if I let go. "You have me now, I know about this, and we're in it together. Harry is a sign that there is a chance for us to be free. He's not dead or in hiding he's doing whatever Dumbledore told him to do".He winced when I mentioned the name.

"Thea, we can't just escape" he replied sadly.

"Not escape, prevail! Abide! Endure! and all those other similar words" I giggled with joy at the idea of possibilities, and the chance of a future outside of darkness. Dracos expression softened, and a smile broke out on his face. He held my cheeks in his hands and gazed down at me with longing of what was yet to come. He planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Whatever we do it will be together" he promised.

Then the stern and panicked voice of Narcissa called down the hall "You two, down here quickly!" Draco and I exchanged a look, faces draining of colour. We had both become familiar with the queues informing us of the next Death Eater meeting, even if they were rarely appointed in advance.

As always, Voldemort sat at the head of the table, peering over us like a snake ready to pounce. His nose, or what was left of it, scrunched and his eyes were narrowed. It was evident that the monster had become a ticking timebomb, and I wondered what would it be to set him off.

"I am sure you have all seen the news" He spoke coldly with his chests rising and falling rapidly under his black robe.Motionlessly I stared ahead, trying to forget where I was."He was right there" he let out an uneasy laugh exposing his grey teeth to his followers. "HE WAS RIGHT THERE!" a slam of his fist hit the dark oak table when he repeated his words with a yell. I jumped at the sound and closed my eyes focussing on my uneven breaths and battering heart.

I'm not here. I'm not here. I'm not here.

My thoughts continued to repeat themselves. Maybe if I believe it, it will come true.

Draco grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it. He allowed his thumb to soothe the back of my hand. With skin on skin, I relaxed."So Thicknesse, I ask you this, how could you let this happen when I rewarded you with such a task?" Voldemort growled, but Thicknesses, with his head down, did not answer."The question was intended to have a response" he sneered looking down at his disciples with a look of disgust.

"They used polyjuice potion" Thicknesse bowed.

"And how many times are you idiots going to fall for polujuice potion? A simple potion that even that Mudblood could brew if given the right instructions!" He yelled, and the rest of the Death Eaters copied Thicknesse actions by bowing their heads in intimidation.

Mudblood the word repeated in my train of thought. Hermione was their best chance of survival and could outsmart anyone in the room. The slur became satisfyingly ironic. Unfortunately, no one else noticed that.

"Did they use the floor network? I would trust you would tell me if they did". 

"If he did then he'd already be on a plater for you my dark lord" I spoke sarcastically mocking the others in the room then my eyes widened realising I spoke out loud.  I cleared my throat and sat up "I believe everyone is here for the same reason" I attempted salvation "they probably apparated, there is no way to say where unless someone grabbed onto them the last minute". 

Voldemort glared towards me, raising his wand, and I swallowed waiting for the worse, but the spell shot passed me and hit Thicknesse on the shoulder. The force knocked him off of his chair, leading to the sound of a thud. Thicknesse groaned in pain, enough to confirm he was still alive.

"Find. Him!" 

I hope we do

Hi guys I just wanted to thank you for being patient with me I feel like I haven't had had a moment of spare time these last couple of months with school and work which is a conventional excuse, but it's true. Anyway, I have decided to commit to a schedule and will be updating every Sunday! 

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