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I avoided sleep these days

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I avoided sleep these days. It was easier. Perhaps not in the grand scheme of things and not during the hours I had to be awake, but it kept the nightmares at bay. Flashing images of those I love dying because of me, because of my lack of courage, and the evil I am unable to fight. It could be that these dreams are trying to communicate with me, but I would rather ignore their messages than waste my energy resolving them. They didn't feel too important, nothing like the ones before.

I spent most of the nights reading or pacing or just thinking while the dim oil lamps attempted to light up the large room with the strength they could manage.
However, tonight, I was inspecting the necklace once more, hoping I could understand it. What was Dumbledore trying to tell me? Or was it merely for decoration purposes? He could be like that sometimes.

At first, I inspected it while it hung loosely between my fingers. The metal was cold despite the constant interaction the jewellery had with my flesh, and the crystal ball remained a dull grey colour.

I then transferred it, so it was sitting around my neck, the intended purpose of such an accessory. It felt warmer like this as though the metal had become satisfied with its position, but I knew that to be untrue. How could an inanimate object be satisfied? Still, the gift did not demonstrate any remarkable power.

"With this, Albus Dumbledore hopes that it reminds you of the difference between need and want. He promises that this will level out your head and your heart" I repeated the words of the former minister under the mumble of my voice.

Head and Heart.

I had always considered myself someone who was ruled entirely by logic. I was able to envision future possibilities based on rational and organised ideas. I adjusted reality to fit my ideas and never the opposite way around. My desires and my needs came hand in hand with my head. However, since meeting Draco, since knowing him, possibilities became irrelevant to reality and reality could be whatever I decided I wanted it to be. My decisions were acts of passion. I don't know which is worse. I suppose Dumbledore was right. I am either black or white, grey is a colour that does not suit me.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, wrapping my hand around the charm that dangled at the end of the silver chain.

Head and Heart.

Need and want.

Then, a sharp hot spark came from the charm burning the palm of my hand. I let out a gasp loosening my grip. The crystal was shining a deep blue, more luminous than I had seen it before. The floor began to shake, along with my bed, which I held onto with the rush of my pounding pulse. A high pitch screech pressurized my ears and clamped my hands over them clenching my eyes shut until, all at once, it became quite and the room felt oddly still.

When I opened my eyes again, my breath hitched at the sight in front of me. The room had been split into two, mirroring what the other side was showing. It was no longer my room but instead the downstairs area of the Malfoy Manor. It felt as though I was watching something on a broken TV a videotape of the past, but what it was showing, was not the past, it couldn't be.

Both images were showing Beletrix holding Hermione by the hair and threatening a knife against her exposed throat. Hermione's chest was moving with rapid movement, and Beletrix began to speak.

I could not hear what she was saying, the visions were muted, so instead, I was made to rely purely on what I saw.

The group looked around each other until Lucius stepped forward tugging his sleeve up, exposing a tattooed forearm. He was calling on Voldemort. My eyes scanned the two realities until I landed on my self in this madness. I felt disconnected with whoever this image was showing me, she looked like me, but I was sitting on the bed, and she was there cowering behind Draco looking between Harry and Lucius unsure with what to do next.

Then, they all looked up, and my eyes travelled with them. A house-elf sat on the top of the chandelier, messing with the screws holding the iron decoration together. The process was slow, but everyone remained unsure, that is before the chandelier came crashing down separating Heromine from Bellatrix and into Ron's arms. Glass was everywhere, and although, I could not hear her, it was clear that Bellatrix was yelling at the wide-eyed house-elf.

I was more confident that the person I was seeing was me when Lucius raised his wand amidst the group, and I flashed a spell towards him, causing his weapon to fall out of his hand. He looked at me with shock and above all disgust, an expression he had, no doubt, been holding in until now.
Harry darted his head towards me smiling, and he grabbed onto me, holding me closer to the group.
Draco's blue eyes were wide with fear. I reached out and held onto the blonde boy's hand with stretched fingers. This was it, our escape. Narcissa raised her wand, directing it towards Harry, but the house-elf snapped their fingers attracted it into their hand. More dialogue was exchanged.

The left image became blurry now, while the right side was more vibrant.

On the right side, the grip between me and Draco was strong. He moved closer to us, and I held onto Harry, connecting us all to the House-elf. With a nod, we vanished into mist.

On the left side, we let go of each other and were once again separated.

Then, my room faded to black. I found it difficult to believe this told the future, but what else could it be? All I knew is that if this was the truth, I should never follow what the left side demonstrated to me. Draco and I could not be separated.

I walked into the hallway that showed no proof of disturbance. I walked along passing door by door until I the one I was looking for. I knocked on the door lightly.

In a green t-shirt and tired eyes, Draco opened the door. His blonde hair was messy, and he was stifling a yawn until he realised it was me and concern replaced his tired expression.

"Thea, are you ok?" he whispered harshly still aware of night.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I whispered back softly. What I had saw exhausted me, but not being with him terrified me.

"Of course" he smiled lazily with soft eyes "you'll just have to leave before mother finds out" he laughed lightly.

"I promise".

When we got into his bed, a kingsize paradise, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. This security was comforting and warm. It felt right to be so close to him.

"Goodnight darling" he mumbled falling asleep already after kissing me gently on the forehead.

"Goodnight Draco".

That was the first night I had a soundless sleep.

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