Thirty Two

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My entire left forearm was burning where Beletrix had held me down and branded my skin with the dark mark

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My entire left forearm was burning where Beletrix had held me down and branded my skin with the dark mark. It looked out of place against my otherwise unharmed skin. I could only make out the shape, a skull with a serpent protruding from its open mouth like a tongue, the other details were blurred by my tears.

The dark lord left first, and after that, the other death eaters began disappearing out of the Malfoy Manor.

"Professor Snape!" I called scurrying to my feet trying to catch up with the dark-haired teacher, but he carried on walking ignoring my calls. "Snape!" I called again desperately "please listen to me!"

"I will get a house-elf to send you the rest of your belongings" he simply stated avoiding my rushed movements, and with a pop, he was gone. I was left standing there in the middle of the hall staring at a blank space through puffy tired eyes.

A delicate hand was placed on my shoulder, and Narcissa Malfoy came into view. She was an attractive, tall, pale woman with dark eyes and a painted dark pink lip. Her face was absent of a smile, yet her presence was comforting, it was maternal and safe.

"I'll take you to your room my dear" she spoke clearly guiding me away from where Severus stood.My legs were weak, my head was heavy, and I would have felt disconnected from my body if the feeling of Narcissa's hand on my shoulder wasn't grounding me as she led me up the stairs of the Malfoy Manor.

She brought me to a door at the end of the hallway and pushed through with one hand. Inside the room, against the wall, was a king-sized bed dressed in black fabric and framed through royal green bed curtains. Narcissa was sure to bring me there first, sitting me down at the edge while she sauntered towards a large dark oak wardrobe looking through its contents with ease. In this silence, I took the time to look at the wallpaper decorating the room. It illustrated bluebirds in cages that were balanced on the branches of trees, and much like the portraits at Hogwarts, these birds were moving, hopping about in their cages, flapping their wings.

"Thank you" a soft whisper broke the silence "not many are brave enough to risk their lives for my boy". I darted my head to look towards her, and I frowned.

"I hate seeing him hurt, I think I'd do anything to stop his pain" I answered honestly "I can't imagine a world without him".
As I said these words, I bit the inside of my lip, preventing myself from saying any more. She looked over at me in shock then her face softened as she placed a dress on the arm of a sitting chair that was close to her. A faint smile crossed her lips as she did this, and I knew she believed me.

"Gloves" she said clearing her throat, opening up a drawer "gloves are a good tool when you're trying to get used to that scar" she advised placing yet another tool of fabric on the arm of the chair. Once again, I looked down at my arm and the carved evil that was forced onto it.

"We dine at six" were her last words before she left me on my own in a new form of silence.

I dressed in the clothes she left for me. A short black dress that could be found more commonly on a runway and long black gloves that reached as far as my upper arms. I noticed she was right, as long as I couldn't see it, the gloves made the mark slightly more tolerable.

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