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That night I could not sleep. I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because I couldn't find a comfortable way to rest.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I grabbed my book from my bedside table and grabbed my wand "Lumos" I whispered and pointed it at my book.
I only had one chapter left so it didn't take me very long, but when I finished I still wasn't tired.

I groaned and got out of bed ruffling my hand in my messy hair. I was wearing my black PJ crop top and some grey PJ bottoms, a very comfortable choice in my opinion.
Sluggishly I put on some trainers and a jacket, then headed out of our room.

The common room was completely deserted, and even though I was wearing a jacket I could still feel the slight icy temperature of the room. The only light was the moonlight that shone through the windows. Dark rooms never helped the uncoordinated and so I nearly tripped over several pieces of furniture.

I close the door behind me and take in a deep breath "I defeated the first obstacle" I mutter to my self then began walking down the steps away from the Ravenclaw tower.
This was the first time I had ever been up and about after hours and it was all rather exciting. "Maybe that hour with Draco gave me a bad influence," I think to myself.

I pass many empty classrooms with pots and paper and quills scattered around but I began to get tired really quickly.
Slowly I sat down on the cold marble floor and sighed from tiredness
"Nox," I say making the light on my wand turn off "Lumos" I turn it back on "nox" off again "Lumos" and I just kept doing this for no reason at all.

After a while, I stood up again about to go back to my warm bed
"Thea?" I hear a voice say making me jump almost half a mile then slide back down the wall until I reach the floor. I look upwards and see the blonde Slytherin.
"Draco? What are you doing here?" I ask as he sits down next to me
"Well I bloody go to school here" he laughed and I laughed with him
"No, I mean what are you doing up smart ass?" I roll my eyes
"I'm a perfect" he points at the badge that was on his tie
"Oh yeh I forgot" I nod "guarding the halls" I make some sort of hand motion that was supposed to jester to the halls. He looked over at me and a ghostly smile spread across his face as I stood up. I held out a hand and Draco took it so I help him up "maybe I should go back now" I smile up at the taller boy
"D- do you have to? I mean you could just stay here with me and keep me company" he suggested
"I would love to but I'm already half-asleep" I rub my tired eyes.
The blond boy sighed and nodded understanding "bye" I smile
"Bye," he smiles back.
Subconsciously I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his shoulders and embraced him tightly standing on my tiptoes.
After a moment or maybe two, he gingerly hugged me back, his arms finding their place around me like they were meant to be there.
It took me a while to break free, I was frozen from embarrassment.
"S-sorry" I say when we finally break apart.
"No it's fine" he said, his normal pale complexion turned to a slight pink. Awkwardly I turn around and begin to walk my way back to the Ravenclaw tower with a smile on my face that lasted until I fell into a deep sleep.

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