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After I ate the last of my food I headed down to the library, something I liked to do when I had nothing else planned.
When I got there, I sat in my regular seat  and opened up my first book: 'A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry'.

I got to the second page when I heard a slight clearing of someone's throat beside me, I look up to see Draco Malfoy.
"Hi Draco" I smiled sweetly. He looked a little confused at the sound of his name, but then he shook it off.
"You forgot this in potions" he handed me a notebook with a shaking hand, which I found a little unlike him. Well, of what I've seen or heard of him anyway.
"Thanks, I hadn't released I lost it" I took the book of him and set it to one side.
I went back to my book thinking that's all the boy wanted but to my surprise he carried on a the convocation.
"So, I never got your name" he leaned on the table I was sitting at
"Thea, Thea Woods" I looked up at him again and held out a hand which he took and shook it with a smile on his face. It was a real smile, one I didn't know a Malfoy could have. His eyes creased slightly as he did so, and they were wonderful eyes that had a grey/ blue colour on them.
"Did you follow me here?" I asked frowning slightly
"W-what?" He blushed
"Did you follow me here? You're never at the library" I shook my head
"No, I didn't. You see me... Ummm" he stumbled then he let out a huff of acceptance "You're a very observant person".
"Yes I guess so. I am in the house of the eagle after all" I chuckled pointing at my tie
"Yeh that I did notice" he laughed slightly.
"Some people are worth observing, they have interesting quirks or patterns" I revealed then blushed at the hidden compliment I have "not in a creepy way I've just-" "shish" I was interrupted by madam prince hushing us both "sorry" I apologised.
I stood up and put my book back on its shelf.
"Maybe we should continue the conversation elsewhere" I turn around to him and lead him out of the library.

We got a few stares and I internally begged them to stop. Although, it was expected. Draco tended to draw the attention of others wherever he was, and the funny thing is I don't think he noticed half of the time. The other half he soaked it up.

"Why?" I ask frowning
"Pardon" he stopped is a dead halt
"Why are you talking to me?" I copied his actions but a step to late and I had to turn on one foot to face him.
"I don't understand. Well I suppose-" "DRACY-POO!" He gets interrupted by Pansy who ran up to him and grabbed his arm to cuddle into "who is this?" She glared.
"I'm going to go now Draco, but I'll see you around yeh?" I smiled up to the taller boy
"Yeh, bye" he smiled at me softly
"Bye Pancy" I waved and walked off.

Draco's normal disgusted look fell on Pansy as he shook her off.
"How does that stupid Mudblood know my name?" I heard Pansy shriek I'm her shrill voice
"She's not a stupid Mudblood!" Draco shouted back "and she's is in the house of the eagle" he chuckled and I chuckled too, but the rest of the conversation was unheard by me.

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