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When the group of death eaters rushed away out of the tower, Harry's wide eyes examined my expression, he was pale and held an angry fire behind his exterior.
"We have to follow them" I decided, Harry gave a short nod before we were retracing the footsteps of the attempted killer, the murder, and their accomplices.

In my horror of the destruction, I slowed down my running, trying to take it all in.
The windows of The Great Hall had shattered into a tiny million pieces covering the hard stone floor.  The decorative pieces on the long wooden tables had been completely disrespected as though someone walked along them using their dirty boots to carelessly kick the items around. Now, the enchanted candles had lost their light, rendering the room to be dark and eery, I was unsure if they'll ever find their light again. Shivers went down my spine.
It was heartbreaking, to say the least. Millions of students have come and gone and found peace in the castle.
It reminded me of my first day.  A nervous eleven-year-old sitting on the Ravenclaw table for my first ever Hogwarts feast. That was the day I met Amelia, who was beyond excited to sit where her family had sat for centuries before her. It was the day I found people who possess the same abilities as me. It was the day I realised that I was not a freak or the village scare, I was just a witch, in a world for witches and wizards. It was the day I decided that Hogwarts was to become my home.

A tug on my sleeve brought me back to reality. Harry was pulling me along, he wouldn't let me fall behind.
"Thea, do not slow down now, they'll get away!" He encouraged ignoring the nightmare around him, and with the reality, he brought me back to, came anger. I quickened my pace again.

Our final destination in chasing the death eaters was outside the forbidden forest near Harids hut.

"Snape!" Harry called when we had finally caught up.
All heads turned our direction, and Dracos eyes grew wide when he saw us racing down the banking.
"He trusted you!" Harry cried in anger.
Before we got close enough to where the others were standing Bellatrix set the hut aflame dancing around it with glee as though it were a festival bomb fire. Hagrid's house was burning, and she was proud of her act of damage. "You bitch!" I screamed, quickening my pace, overtaking Harry.
She cackled at my reaction wand at the ready for my advances.

Snape advised the others to carry on, but Draco didn't move.
I tried to run for Draco or Beltrix or anyone I could get my hands on, but Snape held out his arm, stopping me. Once Harry began firing spells at him in a quick continuous manner, the professor pushed me out of the way surrendering any chance I had to struggle against him.

My ears began to ring at the impact of my head hitting the floor, and I was sure I could taste blood. My blurred vision lingered on Snape who stood stolidly, tall and calm against Harry's raging fire of vengeance.
I weakly forced my self up, and a ghostly voice called my name in sadness and despair.
When I looked up into the glossy, distressed, grey eyes of Draco Malfoy, I could hardly contain the build-up of catastrophe.  My chest felt tight, and my skin burned with hatred. Only the most pessimistic senses fueled my body, the sound of destruction, the sight of loss, the taste of desperation.

Heavily my heart hung in my chest, and an insatiable fire replaced it.  My breath was heavy and painfully catching in my throat. Aggressively I pushed Dracos shoulder, causing him to stumble back, but he never returned the anger.

"You lied to me!" I sobbed
"I knew you would hate me if I told you the truth" Draco rushed, attempting to hold onto me but I pushed him away.
"You're a terrorist Malfoy! Not only are you a terrorist, but you made me think I was crazy in my assumptions like I was paranoid. You manipulated me!" I screamed "you attempted to murder a man, and you've ruined everything Hogwarts was. You're a monster! No, you're worse than a monster, you're a coward" I pointed my wand towards the blonde, allowing tears to freely spill down my cheeks.
Though, through the ranting, my yells never fully expressed the wave of emotions in the severity of the situation.

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