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In light of recent news of JK Rowling's clear discrimination and hate towards the trans community and the exploitation of LGBT+ people I just want to say that you are all loved and valid. The world of Harry Potter is beyond JK Rowling at this point, it's ours, and no small-minded opinion can take that away from us. So enjoy the fanfic, parodies, movies, and books. enjoy it all!💞

The days past by slowly since I got out of the hospital, and they felt so different than before.
Draco became quiet, more tired, and his patience was thin.
Most of the time, he just held my hand for hours without saying a word, as though he was just making sure I was truly there.
It still hurt when he touched me, my hand felt like my skin was burning right through to my bones and shooting up my arms, but I just bit the inside of my cheek to hide the pain.
You see, I still wanted him touching me, I needed it, no matter how much it hurt.

Sometimes in the silence of our company, I'd whisper "I love you" as softly as I could, but he'd still jump at my words, looking at me in disbelief.
"I love you too" he'd murmur back in his moments of disconnections with reality.

I recall on one day, in particular, my whole body didn't just feel like it was burning, but that I was tied down in the flames of hell with no way out.
That day, I showered five times with the temperature as cool as it could go, praying the ice-cold water could drown the feeling of immense pain that surged through my body.
It didn't.
I even tried to channel a state of pace when allowing the water bullets to cover my body.
I closed my eyes and listened to the thunderstorm outside, but with each hit of lighting a flash of green blinded my mind.
Even if I tried to ignore the rhythm of the dominating thunder cloud, my vision would always end up meeting the soulless eyes of the boy I love staring back at me.

Nothing was right about that day. Draco nor Harry were anywhere to be seen.
Both boys who I saw every day, and spoke to every day had vanished with no word that excused their absence.
Even the teachers appeared tenser, especially professor McGonagall who stuttered through her lesson and rushed students to their dorm before lights out.

Of course, I couldn't sleep that night. My feet guided me towards the corridors of Hogwarts to stalk another night along with the castle floors as though I was a puppet to fate.

I understood my destination as soon as I saw my Slytherin prince dressed in a slick black suit walking the school at night as I had been.
My heart was telling me to run towards him, hold onto his arm and ask where he had been all day.
My body, however, could not disagree more.
I stood still watching him speed down the hallway, turning his head from left to right to make sure no one was near. No, tonight Draco didn't want to see me, or anyone. Tonight he was on a mission.

I followed silently, hiding behind walls and marble statues. With every step, I made closer to Dracos destination my skin burned with extra intensity.
I had to bite my hand to distract me from any agonising screams that begged to exit my throat.

He stopped, at a wall that opened up to the boy, it was the room of requirements leading Draco to where he had to be. I waited for a moment until the entrance shut behind him with a sound of rock gliding across the ground and a loud bang sealing the wall back up again.
Expectingly, I looked around for anyone who could've woken up to the noise of the heavy door, but no one came rushing in, not even Mrs Norris or Filch.
Noticing the coast was clear I still couldn't bring myself to do it, it was as though my feet were glued to the ground restricting me from following Draco further. So I waited.

Eventually, the door opened back up again, allowing its guests to exit, but more than just Draco came out of its walls. Instead, four figures strutted out into the corridors of Hogwarts. Their features were lit up dimly by the dull yellow storm clouds and the overbearing moon.

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