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"Sectumsempra!" Was the first thing I processed in the quick happenings before me.

Harry had hit Draco with a spell unknown to me, but from the wounds it left, I could tell it was strong.
I stood there shocked unsure what to do. The sight was horrifying, Draco was twitching in pain as blood poured out of his deep wounds.
The gashes were like deep cuts from a butchers knife. Whoever caused such pain had to be inhumane.

Draco was dying.

I ran over to him collapsing to my knees in the stained red water, and to his side, while Harry still was unsure what to do. Draco sobbed and whimpered in immense pain.

I attempted to keep the tears at bay, but once that first tear rolled down my pale cheek, the rest followed in a continuous stream. I bent forward reaching one hand to touch Dracos helpless figure, but he flinched away at my touch. His muscles were contracting, and his sharp jaw clenched. A distress sound left my lips, and my heart broke. Not him, I can't lose him.

"Get someone!" I demanded which caused Harry to jump and move quickly out of the room.

"Shhhh it's going to be okay Draco, I know it hurts" I assured him letting my tears mix in with the pool of blood underneath us.
My mind went blank for any healing spells, especially one to aid such a severe wound. Frightfully I examined the room for anything that could help. I knew I had to keep the pressure on his wounds.
I took off my cloak and ripped the cloth. Shakily I unbuttoned his shirt as he grimaced in pain, I then wrapped the fabric around his wounds.
"I love you Draco, please stay with me, please" I begged, tightening the fabric.

"Move Miss Woods" I heard a stern nasally voice command from the doorway. It was Snape.
I got up and using my best efforts I stepped backwards, despite my weak shaky legs.
Snape mumbled a spell under his voice and Harry looked at me with pity. I looked at Harry in sadness and defeat.
"What have you done?" I weakly whisper through sobs.

Snape's mumbles sounded like a verse of a Latin song, and through this spell, the flow of blood seemed to ease. The blood that was spilt reentered Draco's wounds, it was as though Snape was rewinding time.
Even the red stains on Dracos white school shirt were disappearing, and the wounds seemed to be knitting themselves. I held my breath in suspense.

Snape carried Draco as though he was a corpse which didn't calm my nerves.
"Is he alright, Professor?" I quaked, Snape looked towards me less harsh than usual and sighed.
"Considering what had happened... great. Now miss woods I suggest you get cleaned up and I do hope you brought more than one robe" he stopped then snapped his head at Harry "Potter, follow me".

I looked down at my uniform realising than I too had been stained with blood, and soaked with water.
"Scourgify" I whisper which cleaned me up nicely. Then I looked over at my robe. I picked up the pieces that were left and clutched them tightly in my fist.  "Evansesco" I said with my voice still weak as I watched the cloak disappear.
I stared at the empty space in my hand where the robe was and then I could feel something in my chest and my eyes began to burn, my legs gave in and I kneeled on the bathroom floor and let endless tears roll down my face. I was scared, I didn't want to lose him.

Later that day I decided I wanted to visit Draco, surely madam Pomfrey had fixed him up by now, so I headed there from dinner.

"Woods" I heard being called from the other end of the hallway I turned to see Harry much to my surprise (note the sarcasm). He rushed towards me, but I spun around and began to walk anyway.
"Thea, I prefer actually Harry" I grumbled
"Thea, please hold on" he begged. I stopped and looked at him waiting for what he had to say, but he had nothing.

Looking at him made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't even express the anger he made me feel. It was an attempt of murder, inhumane slaughter of a boy. Draco was just a boy, not a monster worthy of taming or slaying.

"If you don't mind I have someone to visit in the hospital wing, and visiting hours aren't every hour" I frowned.
"I'm sorry" Harry breathed "I really am, I didn't... didn't mean to do it"
"So why were you having a little fight then Harry?" I questioned
"Katy Bell..." I scoffed before he even finished explaining "no Thea listen, I know you think Malfoy is innocent but he deals with dark magic all of his family does, I think he may be... doing something I'm not sure what, for Voldemort"
"Goodnight Harry" I sighed and began walking away again
"Thea!" He called
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" I yelled back
"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry but don't fall for it, Thea!"

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