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I was heading towards the Ravenclaw common room, with a few books in my arms that i had checked out of the library. I was hoping that the navy blue sofa was free so i could read next to the fire. When I turned the corner, Pansy was standing there gossiping loudly about some Gryffindor who had been messing around with a few boys.

"Speaking of slags" Pansy glared and strutted towards me with Daphne at her side
"How's your day been Pansy?" I smiled innocently "what about you, Daphne?" I turned to the other girl.
"Oh cut the crap!" Pansy snapped "you're trying to take my Dracypoo away form me!" She shrieked.
"I'm sorry Pansy, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about" I frowned "we're just friends".
Pansy glared a glare that could burn through your soul if you looked for long enough, but I never broke the eye contact.

"Don't lie to me, you'd do anything to get Draco wrapped around your finger!" She scoffed, crossing her arms "you may fool him, but you don't fool me. You're no angel".
I  had somehow managed to go through five years at Hogwarts with no petty drama, why on my sixth year did it all have to rain down?
"Oh, you're one to talk. You've been trying to do exactly that since the first year. I don't know what you think you know, but you're wrong. This isn't a game Pansy I'm not trying to beat you. Besides, in case you haven't noticed, he isn't interested in you, and he can see past your facade. Don't you think, if it were to work it would've by now?" I ranted, and that got her angry.

Without thinking twice, she pushed me onto the floor resulting in a tumbling of books and me on my behind. How embarrassing.

As always, the blonde Slytherin of conversation turned the corner at that exact moment. Either I was happy to see him or upset that he had to witness me on the floor.
"Thea!" He gasped kneeling next to me "are you OK?" He asked and helped me up.
"Yeh I'm fine" I smiled weakly then picked up my books. If looks could kill Pansy would be dead right now.
The glare he shot was so fatal Daphne had rushed off leaving Pansy in her mess.
"What is wrong with you?" He screamed, and the pure anger in his voice even had me cowering. His tone was strong and meaningful. It was petrifying.
"I didn't mean to Dracypoo" Pansy lied, looking terrified.
"Didn't mean to?" He repeated baffled "You did it voluntarily!"
"D- Dracypoo-" "don't call me that!" Draco snapped.
"Oh, my Merlin! Why do you care about a Mudblood like that?" Pansy stamped her foot like she was a child who's mother wouldn't let her have sweets. Draco put an arm around me and smirked
"Well, this 'Mudblood' is smart, caring, and doesn't look like a pug. Also, This Mudblood is going with me this weekend to Hogsmeade" he looked down and me as if he was serious and then I realised he was serious!
"Yeh, I am" I said quietly looking towards Draco. "Yeh, I am!" I repeated but this time loudly and at Pansy
"Ugh!" Pansy growled in frustration then stormed out. I chuckled slightly then looked up at Draco who had taken his arm off me. 

"I'll pick you up at 12 from outside your common room" Draco winked then walked out.

Smooth I thought to myself.

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