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"Why were you talking to Draco Malfoy? Or better yet, why were you staring at him?" Amelia asked for the fifth time that day, which was very unlike her, normally she didn't question me, or if she knew something she would never bring it up. What was different about this?
"I told you I wasn't staring at him I was staring at the wall" I lied. My emotions were a mix of concern, curiosity, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I had to understand my interest in the Slytherin prince before blabbering about it. Besides, I was always more private in my issues.
"Do you think I believe that? Ok fine, what about the talking part?" She asked
"I sit by him in potions, we chat sometimes" I replied, and she scrunched her face in disbelief.

"Thea! Amelia!" Neville shouted over to us.
"Hey Nev" Amelia greeted with a huge smile on her face
"Hi" I waved
"Hello" the soft high voice of Luna greeted. We all walked down the black lake laughing and such as we did so. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining lighting up the castle grounds as well as the moods of the students.

On days like this, we often spent our time over at a large rock where we all could relax under the sun.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" Neville asked when we all arrived at our destinations
"Nothing much" I shrugged sitting next to Luna, Amelia gave me a doubtful look then sat next to Neville.
"Well, my father sent me an owl the other day saying he's found a new creature" Luna explained.

I looked over to the lake, hugging my knees to my chest, while Luna continued explaining her father's discovery.
Something else other than the tranquil view of lake grabbed my attention though, it was Malfoy.
He was sitting under a tree, his sleeves were pushed up carelessly, and his concentration was fixed on his book.  His hair was messily falling into his face and not slicked as it usually was. He looked comfortable and calm.
It looked kind of cute. Cute? Did I just call Malfoy cute?
I blushed at my thoughts.
Draco looked up from his book, pushing his hand through his hair, then he looked over to me, my blue eyes met his grey ones.
At this eye contact, his cheeks went a slight pink, so did mine.
They stayed there for a moment before he looked back at his book with a charming crooked grin.

"Do you also think that my father saying Harry Potter will save us from the dark Lord is fake?" Luna asked rather annoyed
"No Luna what I said came out wrong right Thea?" Amelia looked at me asking for some sort of backup
"Yeh Luna, she didn't mean it" I said not sure what we were talking about Luna huffed.
"Let's go" Neville suggested, and we all began to move up towards the castle. I looked back at Draco, who waved as I walked away.
What was this guy doing to me?

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