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"Allow mixture to boil for fifteen minutes" I muttered the instructions to my self following along. Although I had to concentrate on my work, I couldn't help but occasionally shift my attention to Draco Malfoy and the mess he was making of his potion. He seemed to be doing it all wrong, and I was sure it would explode at any second.

I stood there, minding my own business, for a couple more minutes until I could bear no longer.

"For Merlin's sake Malfoy" I sigh grabbing some snake fangs and chucking them into his cauldron. "Snake fangs before willow bark and I thought you were good at potions. You're messing up a very simple brew here!" I turned to the boy who now looked at me with complete confusion.I hate to be a stereotypical Ravenclaw, but what else was I to do.The blond boy just stared at me.
"You're welcome" I sarcastically stated.
"What?" He finally spoke frowning.
"If you carried on any further you would have made the potion explode like-" I was suddenly interrupted by a small bang coming from the back of the classroom "him" I finished closing my eyes in defeat at the smell of burning.
"Oh" Malfoy looked at Seamus then back at me "thanks" he mumbled.I couldn't tell if is lack of confidence in the word had more to do with his Malfoy pride or his Slytherin pride, but I suppose it didn't matter which.

I turned back to my cauldron and stirred it seven times clockwise as the instructions told me to do, but all through this, I could feel someone staring at the back of my head.

"Do I know you?" Draco asked, causing me to turn around and face the confused looking boy.
"No" I answer shortly.
"How come I haven't seen you before?" He tilted his head slightly.
"Because Malfoy, I prefer to keep my reputation low" I answered.
"How do you know my name?" The blond raised an eyebrow
"Because you're Draco-Bleeding- Malfoy" I laughed for a moment, but then stopped when I realised what an ego boost that comment was.
" I suppose that's a good enough answer" he smirked, "What's your name?" He asked his final question
"That shouldn't concern you Malfoy, but what should concern you is the fact that you have left your potion to brew for too long. It's flooding with foam" I pointed behind him and chuckle when he jumped and began trying his best to get rid of the bubbles.

I yet again turned to my cauldron, hoping I wouldn't get interrupted again and I wasn't other than a few glances towards me Draco didn't bother me.

I was one of the first to get out of the potions room earlier that day. It was before lunch, and I was starving after missing breakfast due to my night owl tendencies. Some may say starting a book on Animagus at midnight is a bad idea, however, I say there's never a better time.

"Hi" I sat next to Amelia, my best and only friend other than Neville and Luna.
"Hi" she smiled back then took a bite of her sandwich.
"Have you read this?" She asks setting down a book beside me called: 'Notable Magical Names of Our Time,' I shook my head, in response.
"I found it in the library in the first year but wasn't sure whether I wanted to read it, why?" I asked piling the food on my plate.
"No reason really, but it is a good book" she shrugged.

"Oh, hello Thea, Amelia" I here the familiar dreamy voice say from beside me
"Hi, Luna" I greeted, covering my mouth with my hand to avoid having to show her the food. I then swallowed it, feeling rude afterwards "sorry" I mumble.
"Not to worry" she laughed. "Care for a Quibbler?" She handed me two, to which I gave one to Amelia.I was sceptical of Luna's beliefs, they were hardly conspiracy theories, but the Quibbler always proved to be interesting.
"Well, I'll see you later" Luna stood up and walked away happily with a stack of Quibbler sitting in her arms.

"Strange girl" Amelia watched as she skipped out of the hall.
"Yes, but likeable, it adds to her charm".

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