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We walked out of the crowded sweet store with plenty of desserts to last days, but we both knew it would hardly take us half an hour to gobble it all down. I opened a box of fizzing whizzbees feeling the carefree feeling of childhood innocence while walking beside Draco, who was digging into a cauldron cake.

"It's bloody freezing" I announced clutching onto my coat.
"Here" Draco replied, taking off his scarf, and then putting it around my neck. I was now wearing a green and silver scarf that smelled like rich cologne and sour apple.
"I feel like I'm betraying my house" I muttered scrunching up my nose thinking what would be said if the Ravenclaw prefect saw me.
"I think green and silver suits you much better" he grinned "filled with pride, ambition and a slight touch of confidence?"
"Oh, shut up! I prefer blue personally" we both laughed "is that the type of girl you go for? Filled with pride and sashaying around" I walked in front of him with as much self-importance as I could manage.
"Clearly not. I'm here with you aren't I?" He laughed at how ridiculous I looked.
"Hey I can be prideful" I pouted
"then how come you're not in the best house?" he taunted
"I am" I smirked back.

We finally reached the top of the hill that overlooked Hogsmeade, so we sat down on the fluffy snow and began eating the rest of the sweets. We had chocolate frogs, fudge flies, sugar quills, and so on.

"I've got Helga Hugglepuff" I announced admiring the card and looking at the joyful lady in golden yellow robes "you know she began the first-ever Hogwarts feast".
Draco didn't reply. He was looking intently at the card he had retrieved from the Chocolate Frog Box with a frowned face.
"Draco?" I called softly, and he hummed in response, looking back over at me with regret in his eyes.
"Who did you get?"I asked.
"Dumbledore" he stated, turning over the card so I could see.
It was Albus Dumbledore, long grey beard and all, smiling back through half-moon glasses that were perched on his crooked nose. Then the great wizard walked out of frame.
I let out a small laugh.
"It's amazing we get to live in a time where Dumbledore is our headmaster.  I couldn't imagine anyone else in his place though" I commented.
I had heard Draco hated Dumbledore, he and his father claimed he had allowed it to go to the dogs, but he didn't pipe up at my claim.

"So... Draco?" I asked while eating my lolly.
"Yes" he responded
"What do you want to do when you leave Hogwarts?"
"I don't really have to do anything since I'm destined to sit on the Malfoy throne" he shrugged.
"But you'll do more than that. You're one of the most achieving students in our year, surely you won't let that go to waste. I'm positive you'll be on one of these cards one day" I predicted. He looked over at me with gleaming eyes and his famous Malfoy smirk.
"Well, I suppose I would like to-" he was interrupted by a small rustling noise from the trees behind us.
"It's just the wind" I laughed nervously. Forestry could be so unpredictable.
"Yeh... The wind" he repeated suspiciously.

The rustling became louder and closer. It was getting rather scary. Just the wind, or a prank, Fred and George? I heard they are prankster, wait do they even go here any more? Thoughts rushed into my brain, why was I worrying? It's just wind idiot!

"I'll check it out" Draco said while getting up
"Or maybe we should just go" I frowned copying his actions.
"Oh, come on! Just stay here" he chuckled walking towards the sound.
I held onto my wand and gathered a big ball of snow, allowing it to levitate beside me.
A couple of seconds went by, and nothing was heard from Draco.
"Draco?" I called out, but he didn't reply. "Draco? This isn't funny!" I walked cautiously towards the trees keeping all of the snow by my side, hoping if anything dangerous was hiding in the trees, I could blind them.
I held back the branches, and I screamed as the next thing shocked so much.

Draco jumped out on me, tackling me to the ground.
After the shock, I began to laugh with the blonde boy.
I took the snowball I had prepared already and levitated it above him, allowing him to drop on his back. He yelped slightly at the jolt of cold and shot me a teasing glare.
"Don't ever do that to me again!" I laughed looking up at the Slytherin who held me down under his body in an iron prison. His cheeks were rosy, and his breath was staggered. The snow soaked his hair, causing droplets of water to drip onto the ground behind my head. He looked like a model in one of those magazines muggles had.

Our eyes locked, and he came closer until our lips touched. The contact was a blissful moment of euphoria when our lips moved in unison. It felt completely right to allow the sensation to defeat me, there was no better place suited than under his touch. His grip loosened on my wrists, and I used that as an opportunity to break free and place one hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer. I tasted the confectionary of Honeydukes on his lips. His skin was warm and soft. We pulled away, both with ridged breathing and wild eyes.

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