~Chapter 24: Her~

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After reading Tae's message, a smile spreads across my face. It's nice to chat with him when he can while he's at work, even for not that long. I push the button on my phone turning the screen black. Huffing in defeat with the heater situation, my mind wanders off thinking of what to do for dinner. 

"Well damn, might as well go bundle up before I freeze my ass off. Since he said that he'd be home late, should I make the usual amount for dinner? Put together a plate and put it away in the fridge for when he gets home?."

As I contemplate this to myself I ascend the stairs towards our bedroom. Finally deciding on something to make, my foot catches on the top step. "Ahhh shit!" I yell falling flat on my face, lifting my head I rub at my cheek where I'd turned just in time as to not break my already small nose. 

Well, this is going to be fun to explain to Tae when he gets home. I'm going to hear so much shit from him. 

Laughing to myself, I could already hear his deep laughter echo throughout the silent house. Finally making it to the bedroom, I head over to my dresser taking out a tank top, pullover hoodie, and a pair of black Love Yourself tour sweatpants. Shoving them on I wander on back down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

I'd decided on making lasagna, which I knew would feed us for the entire week with how big of a pan I use to make it in. After washing my hands I go to the cabinet pulling out the oven-ready lasagna noodles, two big jars of spaghetti sauces. One of the traditional, the other a garlic and herb mix, setting it all on the counter next to the stove I open the lower cabinet grabbing out a big pot. Then proceeding to the fridge I pulled out the ground beef and some ground sausage that I'd put in there the day before to thaw out. During and after cooking the meat I seasoned it with salt, pepper, garlic salt, grill mates garlic and herb mix, and cumin. I then pour in my spaghetti sauces, mix it all, and set the temperature of the stove on low to keep the pot warm and not burn the shit out of its content.

Setting the oven to 375* to preheat then going to the fridge I take out two bags of shredded mozzarella cheese, a container of ricotta cheese, and a container of cottage cheese to mix. Soon the house is filled with the smell of just pure food bliss, my stomach rumbles loudly. I'd foolishly skipped out on lunch and had opted to take a nap instead...well more like I passed out. The sound of my phone going off from Taehyung's message is what had woken me up from my slumber, only to discover the heater had crapped out.

As I sat on a stool at the island in the kitchen, I thought I'd catch up on a manga I was reading on this app I found the other day. "No Yui! Can't you see he's just a total dirtbag!" This story was going to drive me nuts, granted it had the amount of sex and drama I enjoyed in a good read. But this male character was something else entirely. 

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The two-hour alarm I'd set on my phone rang throughout the house, signaling it was time to take out the lasagna. "Finally, my stomach feels like it's eating itself." Hopping off from the stool I turn the oven off opening it I then shove on oven mitts and take out the pan of bubbling lasagna. The smell from it wafts into my nostrils, sending my stomach into a heaver state of hunger.

"Shit..." I mumble to myself setting the pan down on the countertop, after making a plate for Tae and storing it in the fridge. I make myself one putting the rest into the fridge as well and with my plate of food I wander off into the living room. v

Plopping onto the couch my stomach now throwing a proper fit, I stuff a fork full into my eager mouth. "Mmmmm", I hum with glee satisfied with how it turned out. 

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