~Chapter 15~

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"Noona don't scream, it's just me."

Jungkook says into my ear the smell of liquor wafts from his lips.

"K-kookie, you scared the shit out of me."

I breath heavily, I'm glad he said it was him. Because I was in the process of kicking who ever it was in the groin, out of self defense.

"Why would do you that!"

I slap him on the arm, he laughs playfully.

"Sorry Noona, I didn't mean to make you jump."

Rubbing the back of his neck he gives me his signature bunny smile.

I sigh and try to duck under his arm,

"Kookie it's a bit dark over here and I want to find Tae."

He presses his body against mine, pinning me to the wall behind us.

"N-noona, what does Hyung have that I can't give you."

His voice low and sad, I look up into his eyes. Only to see that they have been glossed over from the alcohol.

"You're drunk and you don't understand what you're talking about."

I snap, more confused than anything as I attempt to pass by him again.

Which only pushes him to lean further into me. A slight moan escapes my lips as my mind replays that fateful game night.

"See I knew you couldn't get that memory out of your head. Because I think about it as well....more specifically. I can't get you out of my mind.....I never have."

His eyes have locked me into their gaze I stand there like a deer in the headlights utterly dumbfounded,


Before I could get another word out he's smashed his lips unto mine. His fingers glide upwards to cup my face. He pokes out his tongue wanting access, I purse my lips.

As an attempt to subtly let him know that I didn't want this. Growling somewhere low in his throat he sucks my lower lip into his mouth.

Closing my eyes I ball my hands at my sides. I was terribly confused as to why this was even happening.

That I didn't hear the quick footsteps coming near.

Not until I felt Jungkook's body being pulled from my own followed by a loud thud and yelling.

"How dare you fucking touch her like that!"

A low husky voice growls, my eyes snap open. To find Taehyung on top of Jungkook pounding him with his fists. Jungkook's face covered with bloody cuts, he laughs.

"Come on Hyung is that the best you got. We both know that she enjoyed it. Why else would you..."

Taehyung lands another solid hit on his face and roars.

"I should have taken the hint all those years ago. Or I never would have suggested...."

"N-no...both of you s-top it!"

I run over to them and scream at the top of my lungs. Distracted from the sound of my distress.

Taehyung stops briefly to look over at me, his eyes were bloodshot.

Shit he's fucked up too!

This gave Jungkook the opportunity to punch him in the face and flip him onto his back. I run over an attempt to shove Jungkook off of him.

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