~Chapter 5~

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**Thirty Minutes Later**

"Ah haaaa!" Jungkook howls with laughter; he'd just sniped you from halfway down the map.

"Fucking hell, damnit, Kookie. I was about to blast Tae to smithereens!" Leaning to grab your glass, you nearly fall over. Laughing Taehyung catches you.

"Well, babe, better luck next time." Seeing you almost fall sends Jungkook into a laughing fit. You stick out your tongue at him.

"Okay, Jungkook, are you ready to get stomped." Taehyung declares, filling your glass than his. After taking a long drink, he and Jungkook start the hunt for one another.

You hum Boy In Luv to yourself, taking another drink, then nibble on a piece of cheese as you watch the two men shoot, duck and curse at each other.

Laughing, you put a hand on Taehyung's thigh. He sinks lower into the couch, causing his legs to spread wider. His man splaying always seemed to rile you up inside.

You began to run your fingers up and down his thigh. He gives out a low growl, shifting his dark glossy eyes at you, then back at the game.

Oh, yea, he's fucking plastered.

You thought to yourself. Getting up, you go and grab a blanket from the chair that sits in one corner of the living room.

Bringing it back, you cover up yourself and Taehyung. He reaches over and grabs his glass of wine. Waiting to see if Jungkook would spot him sitting in a window above. As he takes a drink, you move your hand over him and rub.

Covering up a choke with a laugh, he looks at Jungkook.

"Dude, what are you doing ghost hunting." He pokes fun at Jungkook to try and distract himself from your ambush. Seeming not to notice too zoned in the game, Jungkook replies.

"Yea for the ghost of Kim Taehyung." He spots him in the window. But not before a flash bang grenade is thrown. Blinding and deafening him.

Taehyung's body vibrates with laughter. "Gotta be quicker than that Jungkook ah."

Jungkook sighs and takes a drink, then refills his glass. "Okay, Hyung, ready or not, here I come."

While they're enthralled in their match, you let your hand wander back onto him. He shifts in his spot, moving your hand up and down the outside of his shorts. You feel his member pulse and harden. When it's at full erection, you wrap your hand around it and give a little squeeze.

He groans then coughs, "Hyung, you good over there." Jungkook asks with his face still aimed at the tv. "Mmahh, yes Jk, I'm good." He says, parting his mouth a bit, and his tongue plays along his lips.


**Ten Minutes Later**

"Aaahhiisshhh, I gotta piss, Hyung, where's the restroom?" Jungkook asks, his face a shade of pink from the wine. With a straight face, Taehyung says nothing; he points down the hallway to the right of the living room. Jungkook gets up and runs in search of the bathroom.

When he's out of sight, Taehyung's on top of you. "Okay, Princess, now that you've been teasing me for the past ten to fifteen minutes. I think a punishment is in order." His eyes dark and glossed over from drinking.

He dips down and takes your lips into his mouth. "Mmmmm, Tae."

You moan into him, your hands snake their way up under his top, and you drag your nails down his back. He growls and pushes his erection against you.

"Ahhhh, see what you've caused, love. Now how do you suppose I deal with this?" He groans into your ear.

Thinking that you hear something from the hallway, maybe Jk?  You thought, moving your head a bit. But Taehyung distracts you by shoving his hands on your bare breast and squeezing.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" You stifle your cry by burying your face in his shoulder.

"I didn't hear you clearly, love." He bites on the top of your breasts. "You need to use your words." Taking a fist full of your hair, he yanks back, exposing more of your neck.

"Hhaaahhh, punish me as you see fit, my King." You moan, biting your lip. He smirks at you and begins to suck on your neck. Adding to the collection of purple marks. Then he cradles your face kissing you passionately.

Reaching for something under the couch, he pulls out a dark brown box. Opening it reveals a piece of fabric. Taking out the contents and putting the box back in its place. You notice that it's a long purple satin ribbon. Smirking at you, he covers your eyes with it, and after he's done blindfolding you, he gets up from the couch.

"Whatever you do, love don't you dare move from that spot, do you understand." He says commandingly; you nod your head in agreement.

A few minutes pass by. What you hear next, you can't quite make out just random talk in the backroom; you feel the couch dip by your legs.

"Is Jungkook alright?"

You ask, and instead of a reply, you feel light kisses on your neck, your toes curl, and you moan. Lips drag up your neck along your jawline, making you quiver. Strong hands glide lightly up your thigh.

Wait a fucking minute, light!?

You think to yourself; you pull the cloth up a bit, and who you saw hovering above you; Is a glossy wide-eyed Jungkook only in his boxers. You look up to see the other side of the couch. And your mouth fell open. Upside down or not, the site was godly. Taehyung sat there in absolutely nothing. His eyes were half shut, full erection in hand.

"Taehyung, what's going on."

You say quietly, words aimed at both men. His eyes open slowly, and he moves until his face is also above yours.

"You remember when you wanted to know if I'd asked him to come over while I was dressing earlier." You nod, too stunned from what's going on.

He continues, "Well, that wasn't the only thing I asked him. I figured that, well, it is our anniversary. And since I found out earlier that you thoroughly enjoy being ass fucked. I thought, why not have Jk join us too."

You look from Taehyung to Jungkook, then back again. Stunned that he would actually suggest this. Not that you're complaining but stunned nonetheless, taking a deep breath, you ask.

"And you sure you both are alright with this?"

Jungkook gives you his bunny smile.

"Noona, it's alright; Hyung and I have already discussed what I'm not supposed to do. And remember, he's the one who came up with this idea."

"Please don't be upset with him. He was thinking of something that you would enjoy."

Giving a small smile, he looks over at Taehyung then back to you. "He loves you more than himself, ya know."

The entire time Jungkook was talking. Taehyung never broke eye contact with you. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking with that poker face of his. But it was enough to tell you he was serious.

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