~Chapter 16: Jungkook~

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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Fuck!" I roll over giving my alarm a few smacks. Then turn over onto my side in an attempt to fall back asleep.

I feel like shit. And there's no way I'm gonna....

Unable to get the rest of my thought out, a knock sounds on my bedroom door.

"Jungkook ah, get up it's noon. And Jin's making Bibimbap with Japchae."

Jimin hollers through the door.

"Mmmm yea be a minute..."

I yell back, after a bit I hear him walk away.

Groaning I force myself to sit up, almost immediately I feel my head begin to pound and my face throb.

Shit, I shouldn't have drank that much. I knew Jimin an Namjoon feeding me those crown shots was a bad idea. And what the fuck happened last night.

I hold my head in annoyance, walking towards the bathroom to down some tylenol and wash up.

As I stood in the shower letting the hot water rush over my body. I try to recall exactly how I got all these cuts an bruises on my face and hands.

Faded memories of her scent filling my nostrils. Blurs of her trying to leave and Tae punching me flash through my mind.

Fuck I hope I didn't do or say something too reckless. An I don't want to regain anymore memories if I did.

Some minutes later I re enter my room, towel wrapped around my waist while drying my hair with another.

Shoving on a pair of black boxer shorts, grey sweats and a black hoodie. I make my way out into the dining area.

Where Jimin sits perched on a stool stuffing food into his mouth. When he sees me walk into the kitchen his eyes become soft with concern.

Jin turns around with a pan in his hands.

"Finally awake I see." He smiles, I just give him a small one in return.

"Uh yea sorry guys."

I grab a muffin from the counter and stuff it into my mouth.

"Not gonna have any of this."

He says pouting while pointing at all the food that was just made.

I laugh, "Sorry Hyung I'm not too hungry."

I hear Jimin scoff next to me, "Well well, Jeon Jungkook the bottomless pit is finally full."

I punch him in the arm, "Ow! What the hell was that for?"

He shouts, I just laugh at him and walk towards my studio.

I'm just not in any mood to be around them today.

*Flash Back*

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