~Chapter 27~

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"Hey babe, let's go on that ride over there. That one looks like it could make you scream." I say, pointing to a tall and winding roller coaster. I feel like I'm a kid on Christmas walking around the theme park.

Her cute petite face and dark almond-shaped eyes peer up at me; they always seem to seek mischief.

She playfully slaps my arm and laughs. "Oh Koo, baby, the only thing that can make me scream is right here."

I feel her give my ass a firm squeeze, and a smirk spreads on my face.

Looking around to see if anyone would notice, I take us behind a small shed next to the ride, where I pin her against the hardwood with my body feeling as if it's on fire.

I put my lips to her ear and whisper seductively. "Do you want to test that theory?"

Her face twists into a beautifully evil grin. "You're on, Daddy."


I jolt up, a cold sweat rolling over me, looking down at my crotch. I groan in annoyance and roll my eyes, rubbing my hands against my face, I think to myself.

Why the hell would I get a boner from a dream about that psychotic woman?

"Because it's a penis and gets hard whenever it wants," I grumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I had initially come back to bed to nap. But per usal, I ended up passing out.

As soon as my feet hit the floor, the next five days flew by in a blink of an eye. And before I realize it, Thursday had begun, the day of Noona's party.

I look wearily at my studio clock, "Five AM, huh? Shit, well, I have time to get some sleep in before today's events."

I raise my arms above my head, stretching out my sore muscles. We had an intense practice yesterday. And I can still feel the effects of how much we pushed ourselves.

I wasn't too sure about today and what my reaction would be—being alone with Noona for half the day. I know it's for a good reason, but I can't help being partly annoyed with myself that I still put myself out there and made that suggestion to Tahyung.

Shaking my head, I send those thoughts from my mind the best I can. Suddenly my stomach tightens and emits a low growl.

"Hmmm, okay, I should probably eat before I go to sleep," I say with slight amusement in my tone. Setting my guitar and stuff aside, I exit the studio and shut the door.

When I enter the living room, my eyes grow wide at what I see.

Holy shit!

The room is damn near filled with presents, balloons, streamers, and other party decorations. It takes me a little bit to pass-through everything to get into the kitchen. Where I find Taehyung and Jimin huddled around the island countertop, hovering over a notepad.

"You think you and Yoongi Hyung can do this?" Taehyung asks Jimin, looking at him with concentrated eyes. Jimin smiles at him and nods, putting an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.

"Don't worry, Taehyungie, we'll make sure that Noona's party goes off without a hitch." His eyes tighten shut as he smiles wide, then I enter the kitchen, my face screwed up, zoning in on the fridge.

"Good morning Kookie, up a bit late, aren't we?" Jimin says, smirking at me as I open the fridge, blocking our view of each other.

I roll my eyes and scan the contents inside, trying to decide what I want. "I think you mean good night, Jiminie."

I say pointedly, grabbing banana milk and some leftover Bulgogi. Shutting the fridge, I take my haul of food over to the microwave, pop open the lid a little on the container. And shove it in the infernal device as I shut the door and push the buttons to the desired time. I cringe while I watch the microwave as it hums and my food slowly spins.

I hate using this damn thing, and I swear to god it's going to explode on me one of these times.

After what feels like the rest of my morning, it finally beeps, signaling it's done. I grab a pair of chopsticks from the drying rack that's next to the sink.  Then I go to retrieve my food with the banana milk shoved in my pocket.

As I turn to go back to my studio, Taehyung stops me by putting a hand on my shoulder; his expression hadn't changed much from its concentrated state. 

I raise a brow at him and ask, "Is everything alright, Hyung?"

He sighs heavily; blowing out a small puff of air; he replies, "I want to ask you, Kook, if you're sure about spending the day with her? Because if not, I could find someone else if you..."

Before I could say what I actually want and expose myself entirely, I cut him off with a light laugh and my signature bunny smile—trying to convince not only him but myself with the words that fall from my mouth.

 "Tae, don't worry so much, okay? It'll be fine, and I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't sure."

Well, that's not an entire lie because I thought at the time that I would be okay with it. It turns out I'm terribly unsure of myself when it comes to Noona.

"Okay, Kookie, get a hold of me if anything comes up." A small smile appears on his face, yet it doesn't reach his eyes as he gives my shoulder a light squeeze.

I nod as his hand falls from me, I head back through the chaotic living room and into my bedroom. Where I promptly shut the door, plop myself onto the bed, and turn on the tv to some random channel that I was hardly paying attention to.

While I stuffed my face with food and banana milk, my mind went right to planning out the day up until the party. I had some form of an idea, as tacky and unoriginal it was; there wasn't much else I could think of because the things I really wanted to do with her are absolutely out of the question.

Once I finished eating, I threw the empty banana milk carton into the small garbage bin that sits in one corner of my bedroom. And I set the bare leftover container on the bedside table, deciding that I'd deal with it when I get up later.

I flopped back onto my pillow, staring up at the ceiling as the TV played in the background. I could feel my eyes getting heavy. So I roll over and fall into a restless slumber.


"Jungkook ah! Get your ass up; you have a job to do!"

Jimin raps his hand on my bedroom door again. "Kook, if you don't get up soon, I'll take Noona out today!"

Well, that got my attention, "Okay, okay, I'm moving! Shit.."

When I hear his footsteps walk down the hallway, I sit up and glance over at the clock. 

It's already ten in the afternoon; I rush in the shower; when I exit the bathroom, I immediately shove on black boxer briefs, black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt, my black beanie, along with a leather jacket and boots. 

I take one last look at myself in the bedroom mirror; there was no going back after today; I can't say no now. It was time to see if I could stay within that friendzone as I should. As I sigh deeply, I grab my wallet, the car keys, and my empty leftover container, then head out to pick up Noona for what could be a good or terrible day. 

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