~Chapter 30~

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The next morning is a bit awkward for me, to say the least. I manage to wake up before Taehyung and Noona; I slip out of the house into my car and to the dorms in no time flat. Now that I'm here, all I want to do is crawl in a hole and hide due to all my screwups lately.

Maybe I should rethink this whole trying to be friends with her. Because all I seem to be doing is digging myself further into this hole I've slowly made for myself. And it's gotten to the point where I can not contain my feelings for her, sexual and otherwise.

I sigh, taking a sip of coffee I made for myself. Resting my head on the cool countertop.

"Kookie, are you sure everything is alright?" I hear Jimin's sleepy voice behind me; I turn my head, so my cheek is flush with the counter. As I look at him, his eyes are red with sleep but just as full with concern.

"You want the truth?" I say with a hard sigh; I want to bang my head for the damage I knew I probably caused with my present last night.

After grabbing some juice from the fridge and a muffin from a container on the counter, he sits on a stool next to me. And with an attentive look, he replies, "Of course I do, Jk, you're my brother."

I brace myself and dive headlong into my one-sided love story for Noona, bearing everything to him. When I'm finished, I feel a hell of a lot better, finally getting it out in the open to someone. And not keeping it bottled up any longer.

Jimin finishes his muffin, balls up the wrapper, and skillfully tosses it into the garbage. His eyes never wavering from their soft, concerned elderly brother look. He sighs and rubs a hand on my back, "Kookie, I love you; you're our Makane. I want you to be happy always, and I know you understand the gravity of loving Noona in the way that you do. What it could do to not only your relationship with Tae but what could happen to the group too."

"I know Jimin, I've really fucked up with all of this." I rake a hand through my hair and begin to say something else when he cuts me off.

"I also know that people can't control who they fall in love with. Love is a fickle thing and isn't to be taken lightly. It can either make or break a person. I can't and won't tell you to stop loving her. But I also can't say that I totally approve either. Only because I know how Noona and Tae feel about each other. The other Hyungs and I won't shut you out, Kook; we'll try our best to help and guide you. As much as you will allow us, now, we have to go. We all have appointments for our hair."

He hugs me and hops off the stool, and proceeds down the hall towards his room. When I hear his door shut, I let out a low groan of annoyance.

I understand exactly where he's coming from, and I knew that he, along with the others, minus Tae, would try to support me as best they could, even if they disagreed with my feelings towards Noona.

"What a fine mess I've gotten myself into." I sit up straight, get down from the stool that's made my ass numb from how long I've been sitting on it. And quickly wash the coffee cup I'd been using, then make my own way to my room. To prep for the hair appointment, which I know with the haircut I had planned, Army's will go fucking nuts.


Before I went down to the garage to meet up with the others, I pack a black bag with comfy clothes for later after the concert and stuff the unopened fan envelope from under my clock into it. The plan was to go to the hair appointment, then to the set, practice, and talk about it all until about three hours before we air. Needless to say, the entire day was going to be full, and there wasn't going to be a ton of downtime in between everything.

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