
403 14 0

May 21st 2021

Hello again. It's currently 12:11 in the afternoon. It's sunny, just like yesterday.
Things are going as well as expected, I guess. I'm not dead yet, so that's good, I guess. I have to find someone to watch over Ashton still, when things do go that way.
I'm exhausted, my face looks sunken in, the way it always is the day after chemo. I wish I thought about it before I made a play date for Ashton with Lavender. I'll wear sunglasses, hopefully you won't be able to tell.

I get out my black wig from my closet, sliding it on my head, like any other day. I would wear a different wig, but I don't want Jack thinking anything if I wear a different one.

I wear some black joggers and neon pink sweater, just trying to be as comfortable as possible.

I find Ashton already downstairs with her shoes on. She's got her arms crossed and is waiting for me at the front door.

"Let's go, your majesty" I say grabbing Ashton's hand and heading out the door to my car.

We get to the park, I don't see Jack or Lavender here yet, but we never set a time to meet, so we'll wait until Ashton gets tired then head home.

Ashton hops out of the car, grabs my hand and starts dragging me through the parking lot, running towards the playground.

I put my stuff on the picnic table, and take a seat facing the playground to keep an eye on Ashton.

"Stay where I can see you, okay?"

"Yes mommy" She says then runs over to play.

I fold my arms on the table and put my head down, resting, trying not to throw up. Chemo always makes me nauseous.

What's better than a bald head and constant nausea?

Every once and a while I look up, making sure Ashton is still around and in my sight. This time when I look up, I see Ashton playing with Lavender.

I look around and see Jack with a taller gentleman with bleach blonde hair. Jack spots me and waves, him and the other man come walking over.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" Jack asks and I smile

"Hi Jack. I'm good, how are you?" I ask and look over to his friend.

"Hi, I'm Daniel" He sticks out his hand for me to shake

"My car broke down, that's why we're late, Daniel had to give us a ride" Jack says with a small laugh.

Daniel wraps his arm around Jack's neck and starts messing up Jack's hair

"Sorry man, didn't mean to make you late" Daniel says laughing and Jack pushes him off

"You two are cute" I say with a smile then I put my head back down in my arms.

"What? Do you think we're dating?" Jack says laughing

"No, she thinks we're sexy" Daniel says with a chuckle

"I meant it as you're both adorable, but good to know you aren't dating" I say without lifting up my head

"Hey, are you okay?" Jack says sitting down beside me

"Oh, yeah, just tired" I lift my head up and smile at him

"Jack, I gotta go meet Christian, call me when you're ready to leave" Daniel says looking down at his phone

"I can drive you and Lavender home, if you need" I add and Jack smiles at me

"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you" Jack says, still with a smile on his face

"Yeah, of course, you'll just need her car seat"
Jack nods and gets up with Daniel.

"Can you watch Lavender for a bit while I go get it?" He asks and I nod

"Here, take these, it's a black Cadillac" I hand him my car keys to set up her car seat while I watch the girls.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n" Daniel says with a smile

"You too, Daniel"

Jack and Daniel run off to Daniel's car, while I watch Ashton and Lavender.

They're playing on the slides when I suddenly feel a ball in my throat, indicating that I'll throw up at any second. I spot a trash can a few feet away from the table I'm sitting at but when I look a little further, I see Jack walking back over, I don't want him to see me throw up.

He looks at me and smiles. I get up and walk towards him.

"Can you watch Ash for a minute?" I ask in a rush

"Yeah, are you okay?" He asks handing my car keys back. I don't answer him, I just quickly walk to my car.

I quickly open the trunk, grab out a plastic bag and begin throwing up, in the parking lot for a playground.

Not the greatest moment of my life, but definitely not the worst.

As soon as I'm done throwing up, I stop to catch my breath, bending over, taking as many deep breaths as I can, so I don't black out.

I always have an issues with walking too fast or carrying anything too heavy or going up and down the stairs. I always have to stop and breathe if I do any of those things.

I wipe my face, and find gum in my car to chew to help the puke breath. I tie up the bag and throw it in the garbage on my way to the picnic table I was sitting at before.

Jack turns his head in my direction and smiles.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asks as I sit down

"Yeah, just needed something from my car" I smile at him and put my sunglasses on top of my head, getting the hair out of my face as the wind blow it all in my face.

"Whoa" Jack says looking at me, I give him a confused look, then quickly put my sunglasses back on, realizing he's probably talking about how horrible I look.

"Are you okay? Because, no offence but you look like shit" Jack chuckles and I roll my eyes

"Yeah, I'm good, just tired" I smile and then look back over to the girls

"You look exhausted. Do you have a babysitter? Someone to watch Ashton? You look like you need some time to relax" He says putting a hand lightly in my back, giving it a comforting rub

"My mother watched Ash yesterday. I'm fine" I say not looking in Jack's direction

"Well, I've got Lavender all week until she goes back to her mom, so if you want, I can take her for a play date at my house so you can sleep" He says smiling.

I know he's only trying to help, but it irritates me when people think I can't take care of my own daughter. I quickly change the subject

"Does her mother live in LA with you?"

"No, they live in Hawaii. I live in LA with my mom and sisters. How about you? Do you live with Ashton's father?" Jack asks, finally taking his eyes off me

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's so far away. I live in LA, by ourselves. Ash's father is, who knows where honestly" I laugh and Jack slightly joins in

"It's okay, I see her as much as I can, that's all I ask for" He smiles.

We again get lost in conversation for what feels like only minutes but is again, a few hours.

I notice him looking worried, and it's probably because of how my face looks but I try to push that thought away.

We're talking and I see Ashton and Lavender run off in our direction.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" Ashton says running over to my side

"Daddy, I'm hungry too! Can we get French fries?" Lavender asks as Jack picks her up, sitting her on the bench.

Jack looks over to me and I nod.

"How about McDonalds for dinner?" I ask and the two girls scream. Jack and I chuckle. 

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