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*Jack's POV*

"Well, I think it's about time you learn about what I do for work" I sit back in my chair, groaning, trying to figure out how to tell Y/n

"Look, you don't have to tell me if you're that uncomfortable, I just want to know why I'm in the news" She lightly laughs shaking her head

"Well, you know my friends, Zach, Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn?" She nods

"We're kind of in a band" She laughs

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yeah, we started out in 2016" She looks as me shocked

"Are you like a garage band or like, a band band?" Now it's my turn to laugh

"We're a band band, I think. I don't really know what that means. Um, we're called Why Don't We"

"Wait! You're the something different guys?"
Y/n bursts out laughing, causing me to chuckle

"You know that song?" I shake my head

"Yeah! It was so cheesy!" I grab my heart, gasping, pretending to be offended

"It wasn't that bad! Come on" I smile until I realize her smile disappeared

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispers

This is the part I didn't want to get to. I can't tell her I'm scared she'd use me for fame or money. I can't even imagine how heartbreaking that'd sound coming from someone you love.

I take a deep breath trying to find the right words to say

"I um, I was scared that you'd use me" God, this isn't going to end well

"You really think I'd do that?" She lets out a low chuckle that you can tell she was trying to hold in

"Well, I didn't want to chance it, it's happened before. I didn't want you to use me for money or something.."

"Oh, um, okay. I'm going to get dressed" Y/n gets up, grabbing her clothes, going to the bathroom in her room to change.

I know I shouldn't have said that, I should've made something up. I pretty much just told the girl I love that I think she'll use me.

Clearly she isn't going to use me for money, she's doing perfectly fine with her fathers money.

What am I saying?! I'm a horrible boyfriend.

She comes out of the bathroom, throwing her hospital gown on the bed, not looking over to me

"Are you ready to go, babe?" I get up, wrapping my arm around her shoulders, trying to lighten the mood. She only nods

We make it down to the ground floor, almost ready to leave, when I remember I have to pay for parking.

"Hey, I just gotta pay for parking" I grab her hand, walking towards where I can pay

"I'll pay for it" Y/n speaks up

"No baby, I got it" I smile, pulling out my wallet

"No. I'll pay for it"

She grabs the ticket from my hand and I look at her confused until it hits me. She wants to pay for it because I told her I didn't want her to use me for money.

I grab her shoulders, spinning her around to face me. I pull her into a hug

"Please don't be mad at me. I'm still going to spend money on you, I'm still going to treat you like a princess because that's what you deserve" I whisper in her ear, earning a quiet sob from her

"Please just let me pay for the ticket" She mumbles into my chest


She pays for the ticket, which was well over a hundred dollars from it being here over night when Daniel and Jonah brought it over from the restaurant.

I open the car door for her and she gets in with a quiet thank you. I walk to the drivers side taking deep breaths before I get in. I can already tell it's going to be a quiet drive to her house. She puts on the radio at a low volume while I place my hand on her thigh, rubbing circles, trying to make this situation alright.

I shouldn't have said anything. Now she's going to be cautious around me. She's going to question everything I pay for, and fight me about wanting to pay for things.

I know she's not a poor girl, she's got a father who's richer than me and a mother who's got a decent amount of stuff that's worth more than all my guitars. I don't know why I said she'd use me for money, it's always been clear that she's never needed it.

"Hey babe?"

"Mhmm" Y/n hums out as a response

"Baby!" I whine "Talk to me! I miss your voice and your laugh. I don't want you mad at me. Let me fix this somehow"

"Jack, there's an easy way to fix this and you haven't even said it yet" She whisper, sounding like she's ready to burst into tears at any moment

"Oh, I love you" I say with a cheesy smile and she laughs

"No, not that dweeb. But I love you too"

"Look Y/n, I'm sorry I thought-"

"See, was that so hard?"

"You just wanted an apology?" I glance over at her and she's got a cute smile on her face

"Of course! Unless you don't mean it, then that's a whole new discussion" Y/n grabs my hand off her thigh and holds onto it tightly. I bring her hand up to my face to gently kiss the back of it.

"I'm so sorry for thinking that, the more I thought about it the more I realized you'd never do that. I just got in my own head, thinking you were like everyone else. I know you're not, I was just being a dick"

"Yeah you were" Y/n giggles and I drop my jaw.

We pull into the drive way of her house and I catch her staring at me. She's so gorgeous. I want to marry this girl one day. She's everything I've wanted for so long. I don't want to spend a minute without her.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Y/n asks knocking me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, I'm going to go pick up Ash and I'll be right back. I have a plan"

"A plan?" She flares her eyebrows at me

"Yes, now go inside, have a nice bubble bath, I'll be back soon"

She gives me a soft kiss before getting out of the car and walking to her front door. She turns back to me and waves. My eyes don't leave her sight until she closes her front door.

I drive back up to my house, I get out of the car and I can hear Ashton yell from the back yard.

I walk in the front door, not seeing anybody, so I walk to the back yard.

I walk out seeing my mom, Ashton, and all my sisters out in the pool.

"Hi Jack!" Ashton waves her hand in the air, jumping around in the shallow part of the pool

"Hi Ash. Are you guys having a pool party without me?"

"Duh!" Sydney shouts, trying to splash me with water

"Hey Jack, how's Y/n?"

As soon as my mom asks that question, it's like it triggers something in my mind. I shake my head while almost immediately bursting into tears. I walk over and sit in a lawn chair, with my head in my hands

"Jack, what happened?" I look up, seeing my mom wrapped in a towel, dripping wet

"She's, um, she's dying" I force out in between sobs

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" She embraces me in a hug, causing me to chuckle through the tears

"Mom, you're getting me soaked"

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