Twenty Three

277 11 1

*Jack POV*

I get woken up from my depression nap around 9 to Corbyn blowing up my phone with texts telling me to call him.

I mute my phone until I remember Ashton and Y/n are staying with him.

I clear my throat before calling him.

"Hey man, what's up?" I say in between yawns

"Hey, sorry, I was told not to call you, so I had to get you to call me" I hear beeping in the background

"What's going on? Where are you?" I slightly laugh

"The hospital" I jump up from my bed, quickly looking for a shirt

"Shit, are you okay? Jonah?" I slide on a white shirt over my head, pulling up my black sweatpants

"Yeah, we're good, remember your girlfriend, yeah, her name is Y/n" I sigh

"I'm on my way"

I hang up the phone, quickly sliding on my shoes and heading out the door. I get into Y/n's car and it finally clicks that I haven't even talked to Y/n all week. I was so caught up in the drama with Gabbie I didn't have time to message her back.

Well, I did have time, but I couldn't get past the fact that I yelled at her, she probably hates me.

I miss her so much, I've been so miserable without her.

Even when we're at home, and we don't say a word to each other, I was still in a good mood because I knew she was by my side.

God, she probably even told Corbyn not to call me, I can't blame her. 

I make it to the hospital, making my way to the front desk, taking a deep breath to prepare myself for what's coming

"I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n" I say to the overly bored looking older lady, doing a word search

"Visiting hours are over. Come back tomorrow" She says without looking up from her puzzle.

I text Corbyn, asking what room and which floor. I walk past the lady, without her even noticing and I get in the elevator, going to the fourth floor.

I get to her room, I take a few deep breaths before knocking and opening the door.

I'm surprised to see only Corbyn, laying on the couch on his phone, acting like this isn't a big deal

"Hey.. is she.." I can't get any words out without crying.

Is she gone?
Did I miss her? Am I too late?
I didn't even get to say goodbye

"Hey, hey. She's fine, she's just gone for some tests. Sit down"

Corbyn gets up, pulling me to sit on the couch with him.

Thank god she's okay. I didn't want the last thing between us to be me yelling at her.

I sigh as I sit down with Corbyn sitting next to me. I place my head in my hands shaking my head.

"So what happened this time?" I ask with a little attitude that he's the one here with her. Why not Jonah or Eben?

"Okay, for one, don't say it like that. If you don't wanna be here to support your girlfriend, leave. Two, she was coughing up blood" Corbyn says with a raised voice, but quieting down before the second part

"Coughing up blood? When did that happen?"

"Started on your birthday as far as I know"

"My birthday? Why did she tell you, and not me?" I get more angry that he's knew for weeks and I never got a word

"Dude, relax. The only reason I know is because she ended up in my room coughing when I was in the bathroom. She didn't want to ruin your birthday"

"You still should've told me. I can't believe she told you and not me, twice"

"Dude, seriously? No wonder she didn't want me to call you" Corbyn rolls his eyes and I feel my blood start to boil.

"Well, thanks for bringing her, you can leave now" I point to the door

"Yeah man, not fucking happening"

"Why? There's no reason for you to be here" I cross my arms, leaning back on the couch

"Look Jack. I think it's best if you go. You've been so far up your ex girlfriends ass to even answer Y/n's calls or texts! You don't deserve her!"

Corbyn shouts and I finally realize, he's right. I was so focused on pleasing Gabbie, that I completely ditched Y/n and she went to Corbyn.

He's probably better for her anyways.

I slowly sit up, wiping the tears I didn't know fell.

"Can you just promise me, one thing?"

"What is it?" Corbyn sits up with me

"Just, treat her right. Give her the attention she deserves"

Corbyn gives me a weird look as I stand up.

"Tell her she can have the house. I'll move back in with my mom. I'll drop off my keys at your place once I'm done packing"


"You're right. I get it. I'll see you later man"

I go to open the door when the handle twists in my hand. I take a step back as the door opens, revealing Y/n's doctor. I step out of the way for him to walk in and two nurses pull Y/n's bed in.

She's sleeping so peacefully. She looks so beautiful. All I want to do is go sit with her, hold her hand but I can't.

"Who are you?" The doctor asks looking in my direction

"Um, her ex boyfriend" I look down, trying to keep from having more tears fall

"Oh, um, does she know you'd be stopping by?"

"Yeah, I was just leaving" I nod my head towards the door, looking at her one last time.

I can't believe I just lost her.
She doesn't even know it yet
But I lost her.

Corbyn's a great guy, I know he'll take care of her.

I get to my car, and almost immediately burst into tears.

I can't believe I did that.
How stupid am I?

I grab my phone and call the one person I know will tell me that it'll be okay, even if we both know it won't be.

It rings for a while, seeing it's almost midnight, but they finally answer

"Jack? Are you okay?"

"Mo-mom?" I choke out, through the tears

"Jack hunny, what's wrong? Where are you?"

"I- I broke up with Y/n"

"What? Why? You two were so in love"

"I'm not good enough"

"Jack, come here, we can talk-"

"I gotta go home. I'll come by tomorrow"

I hang up the call, and throw my phone in to the passenger seat.

The drive back is dead silent, apart from my quiet sobs.

The road home is a blur as I drive through all my tears but I make it home safe.

I get through the door, making my way directly to the kitchen. I reach into the top cabinet and pull out a full bottle of tequila. I walk out to the backyard, sitting in a lounge chair, I twist off the top of the bottle, throwing it into the pool. I take a sip, sending shivers down my spine.

I wish that I was good enough.

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