Twenty Seven

274 14 0

August 21st 2021

Hi! It's currently 1:39 in the afternoon. It's a beautiful and sunny day today.
I'm good! I'm feeling good! I'm happy! Nothing can get in my way today.

"Ready to go hunny?" Kristin says walking over to me with Isla, Ava and Sydney.

"I still don't get why I can't come" Jack pouts playing video games with Zach and Ashton playing with her barbies on the floor.

"We're getting my wedding dress, of course you can't come, it'll spoil the surprise" I shake my head, kissing his temple before leaving the house with the girls.

We get in Kristin's car, driving to the bridal shop. I have no idea what I'm even looking for, I don't have a style I want, or pattern.

This is a mess.

Jack and I decided to get married at the end of September, on the beach. I think it'd be cheesy to get married on the beach, but it's what Jack wanted and I'm not going to shut him down.

"Okay, let's go!" Sydney says clapping her hands, stepping out of the car.

Everyone follows suit, getting out following her in to the bridal shop. Everyone starts looking no around while I stand by the door, feeling awfully overwhelmed.

"What kind of dress would you like, Y/n?" Ava asks, grabbing my hand, taking me over to a rack full of long ball gowns.

"I kind of want to try something short"

Sydney looks at me from the other side of the room with a large smile across her face. She runs over to another room where I can't see her, so I laugh.

She comes back a few minutes later with short dress options.

I take the dresses to the change room while the other girls sit, waiting outside for me.

As I'm putting on a dress, my phone bings, getting a text message from Jack.

'Be careful, you'll be getting more company shortly'

I continue on what I'm doing.

I try on a short, tight, lacy dress, that one got all no's from the girls. I try on a loose silk dress, Isla liked it, no one else did. Finally I try on. A short ball gown dress that cuts off before my knee. I look like a fairy and I love it

"What are you doing here sweetie?" Kristin asks while I wait behind the curtain

"I'm just here to talk to Y/n" I smile hearing Corbyn's voice.

I walk out, with a smile on my face from how beautiful I feel in the dress. All heads turn towards me and jaws start to drop

"Yes girl! This is it!" Sydney shouts

"You look like a princess" Isla says smiling

"Wow" Is all Corbyn had to say

"You look beautiful sweetheart!" Kristin says coming up behind me, fixing something in the back

"I think this is it" I smile, spinning around to face everyone. I look at the price tag and my jaw drops. "Nope, never mind"

"No, no, this is the one, don't worry" Kristin smiles, pulling out her wallet, "I have Jack's credit card"

"No, no, I can't-"

"Either he pays for it, or I do" Corbyn says pulling out his wallet and waving it in front of me

"Thank you" I whisper, pulling Corbyn in for a hug

"You're going to make a beautiful bride" He whispers back to me. We pull out of the hug and Corbyn smiles, showing his signature perfectly white teeth

"So, why are you here?" I laugh

"Oh yeah, um, I know your dad isn't coming, and I'm not questioning that, but um, did you need me to find someone to walk you down the isle? As part of my best man duties"

"You're the best man?" Ava asks laughing

"I am, one of four of them" Everyone in the room pretty much rolls their eyes

"I was actually going to ask you to walk with me" I smile while Corbyn drops his jaw

"You want me to walk you down the isle? Are you sure?" I nod and kiss his cheek, turning him a bright red

I go back into the change room to change back into my regular clothes, giving Kristin the dress. She takes it to pay for it with Corbyn.

I walk out of the change room, seeing no one around, so I walk back to the front check out seeing Kristin and Corbyn.

"Hey, I paid for half and we got Jack to pay the other half. I hope that's okay" Corbyn smiles while I pull him into a hug

"Thank you, so much" I whisper

"Okay, are we ready to head out?" Kristin asks, grabbing my dress

"Kristin, can we go to lunch? I'd like to discuss something with you, if that's okay"

"Of course sweetie"

"I've got to go, more best man duties to take care of" Corbyn winks before walking out of the shop.

Kristin and I get into the car, with the three girls in the back seats already waiting. We drive to a lovely restaurant while the girls ask me more questions about the wedding.

When we get to the restaurant and we get seated at a lovely round table. Kristin makes sure she sits beside me for the talk I want to have.

We get our drinks and order our food when Kristin brings up the topic.

"What did you want to talk about, sweetie?"

"Um, well, you know that I'm, well, dying"

Kristin nods and that's when I realize the other three girls are listening in

"Well, I need to find someone to take care of Ashton, be her guardian" Kristin smiles, I assume she knows where this is going, I hope

"Mom, if you don't do it, Anthony and I will" Sydney says, gently rubbing my arm

"What about Jack, sweetheart?" Kristin says

"He's got Lavender, I don't want to put two little girls on him. Plus with the band and tours, I think it'd be too much pressure on him" I slightly smile while Sydney pulls me into a hug

"I'd love to do that for you Y/n. You two are family now, and we always help family"

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