Twenty Five

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*Jack POV*

"Marry me, Y/n"

My hands start to shake harder than they were before.

What is she going to say?

Why am I doing this?

Of course she's going to say no.

"Wait, what? I thought you were breaking up with me" Her eyes are wide, with tears threatening to fall

"Well, um, I kind of was going to"

She lets go of my hand, putting it on to her lap. She puts her head down, I know she's crying, that's her tell.

"Why?" She says in almost a whisper

"Yesterday, Corbyn told me to call him because you told him not to call me. He told me you were in the hospital, so when I showed up, you were-"

"What? You came to see me?" She finally looks up at me, with tears running down her face.

"Yeah, of course I did"

"Corbyn said you never came"

"When I showed up, you were already getting tests done. I talked with Corbyn for a while and he had some convincing arguments on why he was better for you than I was. Of course with everything going on all week, I figured he was right" I wipe the tears that were now falling down my face.

Seeing her so broken, broke me

"So he convinced you to leave me? Were you on the phone with him this morning?"

"I guess, he just made me realize you deserve so much better, and I'm going to try to be that person for you because you deserve it. Corbyn called me this morning when I was packing my stuff, saying I shouldn't leave today, because it's your birthday and I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

Y/n rolls her eyes, shaking her head laughing.

All I want in this life is for this girl to be happy, smiling and laughing. She deserves it.

I stand up, grabbing the velvet ring box out of my pocket. I walk in front of her, grabbing her hand, getting down on one knee.

"Now, this is super last minute, so I don't know if you'll like the ring or if it's even your size, but this is what I want, you're the one I want. So
Y/n Y/l/n, will-"
I get cut off by the door bell ringing

"One second"

I get up, practically screaming in my head, ready to yell at whoever is at the door. I put the ring back in my pocket and open the door, seeing Ashton and Corbyn.

"Daddy!" Ashton yells, throwing her arms up in the air.

I love it when she calls me dad. She's never had hers in her life so it makes me feel like I could actually be one for her one day.

I pick her up, giving her a big hug, I've missed her just as much as I've missed Y/n.

"You packed yet?" Corbyn asks, walking into the house with his hands in the pockets of his Jeans.

"No, he's staying" I turn around seeing Y/n, walking in. I put Ashton down and she runs into Y/n's arms

"You're staying?" Corbyn asks, sounding annoyed

"I am, we have some things to finish discussing" I smile, feeling quite proud of myself.

"Well, you both know where I am, when things go wrong" He smiles at Y/n before heading out the door.

I close the door, with a sigh of relief that he's finally gone. I turn to see Y/n walking Ashton to her room. I follow suit but go to our room.

I lay in bed, pulling out the ring from my pocket. I open the box, just admiring the large diamond in the centre.

I feel the bed beside me dip, and see Y/n laying beside me. She grabs the ring from my hands, staring at it, looking at it from all angles.

"If you don't like it, I totally-"

"No Jack, I love it, but are you sure? Is this what you actually want? Or are you just doing this because-"

"No, I'm doing this because I love you. I'm doing this because you're the only one I want in my life. I want to marry you"

She looks at me with a smile on her face, shaking her head. She hands me back the ring, sitting up in the bed

"What? Do you not want to? I'm sorry, I should've thought about it more" I drop my head in embarrassment. Of course she'd think I'm insane

"Well... you never asked me" I look up to Y/n, seeing the biggest smile I've ever seen on this girl

I stand up, walking over to her side of the bed. I grab Y/n's hand, pulling her up to stand. I close my eyes before taking a deep breath. I get down on one knee, still holding her hand. I look up into her beautiful eyes, that just look like they're glowing.

I'm so in love with this girl.

"Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?"

"That's it? No fancy speech?" We both laugh and I shake my head

"You already heard the speech! Come on, just say yes"

"Of course Jack, I'll marry you"

I stand up, taking her into my embrace. I hug her as tight as I can, without thinking I'll break her

"I am so in love with you" I whisper in her ear

"I love you so much Jack"

I pull out of the hug and Y/n immediately looks down. I put a finger under her chin and softly pull her head up to look at me. She's crying with such a beautiful smile on her face. I wipe her tears away with my thumb. I keep my hand on her cheek and softly press my lips onto hers.

This is where my lips belong. Always on hers.

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