
321 14 0

June 10th 2021

Hey. It's currently 6:59 in the morning. Just as sunny as it normally is for LA.
I'm going to ask to stop the chemo today. There's no point anymore. Well, I don't think there ever was a point, really. It's not doing anything but avoiding the inevitable.

I pull up outside Jack's house, seeing all the cars flooded in his driveway, I park on the street. There's more cars than usual, so maybe the boys brought their girlfriends.

I strap my tank to my back and I get Ashton out of the car, with her bag. We walk up to his front door and knock lightly.
Kristin opens the door with a smile on her face.

"Hi sweetheart" She says to me, pulling me into a hug. She then bends down, picking up Ashton since she knows I can't.

"Hi ladybug" She says tickling Ashton, making her giggle.

"How are you Kristin?" I ask walking in the door, closing it behind me.

"I'm good, how are you?" She asks walking towards the kitchen. I look around and notice none of the boys or anyone else for that matter in the living room or kitchen.

"They're upstairs in a meeting, they'll be done soon if you want to wait" She says noticing me looking around

"No, it's okay, I gotta head out to the doctors now anyways, I can't be late" I smile and head back to the door

"Bye mommy!" Ashton yells while waving goodbye

"I love you baby, I'll be back soon" I wave back to her and head out the door.

I start walking back to my car when I hear the front door open. I don't think anything of it while I continue to my car.

"Baby!" I hear that oh so familiar voice

I turn around and see Jack running towards me as I open my car door.

"Hi Jack" I smile as he kisses my lips

"Where are you going?" He asks and I scrunch my forehead

"To the doctors, that's why you're watching Ash today" I give him a questioning look and he shakes his head

"Right, sorry. I'll have to leave her with my mom today, the boys and I have to leave for work" He says and I roll my eyes

"Are you going to tell me what you do for work yet?" I ask, he looks down

"You know it's weird having your girlfriend not know what you do for work, right?" I ask and he nods, still not looking up from the ground.

"Jack! We gotta go!" Jonah yells from the drive way

"I'll tell you soon, I promise" Jack quickly kisses my cheek and runs towards the rest of the guys getting in their cars.

I can't be mad at Jack for not telling me what he does, I'm keeping secrets too.

I get in my car waiting for all the boys to pull out of the driveway, so I'm not in their way. As each of them pass by me they all wave but Jack blows me a kiss.

I notice an older gentleman, maybe in his 50s, pull out of the driveway too. I wonder who that is.

I make it to the hospital and up to the ward, standing at the front desk waiting for Donna to return.

"Hi sweetheart" She says with her overly cheerful voice.

"Hey, is Dr. Katz here? I'd like to talk to him about my treatments" I ask with a smile and she shakes her head, looking disappointed

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