Twenty Eight

271 13 0

September 15th, 2021

Hey, it's been a while. It's currently 1 in the morning. It's hot outside for the middle of the night.
The last few weeks have been full of doctors appointments and wedding planning. I got some news from the doctors, I haven't told anyone yet, I don't know how to.

Jack's currently at his bachelor party. He's of course with his band mates and a few other friends I met at his birthday party.

I didn't want a bachelorette party, that involves having friends, and if you haven't been able to tell yet, I don't have any.

I stayed home with Ashton, watching Disney movies when Kristin and Isla came by to join us.

The three of them are asleep now while I lay on the couch, reading a new book when my phone rings.

Jack's picture shows up on my phone.

"Hey Jack, How's the party?"

"Uh, hey Y/n" Zach's voice booms through the phone

"No! Why'd you call her!? She's going to hate me" Jack's voice muffles in the background

"What's going on, Zach?" I sit up on the couch, resting my book down on the coffee table

"Um, we're way too drunk, can you come get us? Or at least Jack?"

"Please don't tell her!" Jack yells again

"Yeah, send me your location"

"Thank you"

"I better get an explanation when I get there!"

I hang up the phone, I go to my room, throwing on a sweater, not even bothering with a wig.

I try to be as quiet as I can since Kristin and Isla are sleeping in my bed.

I walk over to Kristin and tap her shoulder to lightly wake her up.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks

"Yeah, I just have to go pick up the guys. Can you just keep an ear out for Ash?" Kristin nods her head, and I head out to Jack's car.

The closer I get to the location, the more I start to panic.

What did Jack not want me to know so bad?

Why am I going to hate him?

Did he cheat?

As I'm driving down the street, I see the five boys dancing down the sidewalk, looking like they're singing too.

I make a U turn, pulling up just a few feet in front of them. I turn the car off, getting out.

All the boys see me and run over, except Jack, he freezes.

"Oh thank god you're here!" Zach says,

"You're so cute" He rubs my bald head

"Y/n, it's not my fault!" Jonah yells

"What's going on?" I ask, Jack walks over to me and pulls me into a hug

"I'm so sorry baby" He whispers.

My mind goes worst case scenario as tears leave my eyes

"Why are you sorry?"

"I lost it. I'm so sorry. I'll buy you a new one" Jack pulls out of the hug and you can tell he's been crying

"What did you lose?" I flare my eyebrows. I can confidently say I didn't expect him to lose anything tonight.

"I didn't mean to! We looked everywhere! That place is huge! There was like, 6 stories!" Jack defends

"Jack, what did you lose?!" Now I'm panicking

"I can't find your car" Jack says holding up my car keys. I burst out laughing. Everyone looks at me, clearly confused

"It's just a car, we'll find it tomorrow. I'm glad Zach called me instead of any of you driving"

"So you're not mad?" Corbyn asks and I shake my head

"Hey guys? I don't feel so good" Daniel says, looking pale

"Daniel? Please don't-" Before I could even finish, Daniel pukes all over my shoes

"Bro! You just puked on my fiancée!"

"And it was hilarious!" Zach cheers, earning glares from almost everyone

"Okay, let's go, I'm taking you guys home" I open the car door, Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel get in the back seats, leaving Jack and Zach to fight for the front seat.

"I call shot gun!" They both yell at the same time.

"Fine, you get shot gun, I'll drive" Zach says walking over to the drivers side where I'm standing.

"Nope, sit in the back, on the floor or on someone's lap"

I get in the drivers side, while Zach stands on the sidewalks with his arms crossed. I buckle up my seatbelt, after helping Jack with his. I look back out at Zach, seeing him still pouting

"Zach, get in or I swear to god I'll throw you in the trunk"

Zach's eyes go wide before hopping into the back, sitting on Jonah's lap

"Jack.." Zach whispers

"Yeah buddy?" Jack reply's putting his hand on my thigh as I start to drive

"Your fiancée is scary" Zach whispers again, I can't help but laugh

"That's why I love her"

"Okay okay, am I taking you home or are you all staying with us?"

"Sleep over!" Corbyn yells, pumping his fists in the air

"Okay, but Kristin and Isla are over so you guys have to be quiet"

"I love Kristin, she's the best" Jonah whispers causing Jack to turn around in his seat to glare at Jonah.

The car ride to the house was loud and obnoxious due to the 5 drunk idiots I have in the car blasting music but we make it back in one piece. 

The boys stumble out of the car while I unlock the door. As the boys walk in slowly, Zach runs and jumps on the couch, almost knocking over a vase in the process.

"Zach I swear to god" I whisper yell

Corbyn and Jonah walk out to the backyard while Daniel goes to the bathroom.

"I'm going to bed" Jack says kissing my cheek

"You'll be sleeping in the living room, your mom is in our bed" I grab his hand, stopping him from walking to our room

"Can you grab blankets? We can sleep out in the backyard" Zach smiles, holding onto a throw pillow from the couch.

I walk to the closet grabbing a bunch of blankets for the boys 'camp out' in the backyard. I hand them to the boys and they run outside.

I watch as the boys lay out there blankets on the grass and they start pointing to the sky, assuming at the stars.

I lay down on the couch, trying my best to get comfy when I hear Daniel throwing up in the bathroom. I get up, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and taking it to the bathroom. I knock on the door lightly and hear a quiet 'come in'

I open the door, seeing Daniel laying on the floor beside the toilet.

"Hey, you okay?" I whisper placing the water beside him

"I'm never, ever drinking again" Daniel chuckles, sitting up to have some water

"I'm sure you've said that before" He smiles, nodding his head

"Come on, come sleep on the couch, I'll get you a bucket, just in case"

Daniel stands up following me to the couch. I get him a little garbage bin, in case he throws up in the night. As soon as Daniel hits the couch, he falls asleep.

I grab my book, going to sit in my rocking chair in front of the fireplace. As I'm rocking, reading slowly, I finally fall asleep knowing my boy is safe.

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