Twenty Six

272 10 0

August 15th 2021

Hey, it's been a while. It's currently 11:27 in the morning. It's cloudy, the weather is starting to get colder for the fall, but it's still warm.
I'm feeling good, but I don't like saying that out loud because whenever I do, I jinx it.

Jack and I have been busy planning the wedding, he wants it done sooner rather than later, just in case I get worse.

He's been really sweet with the planning, we don't want anything too big, well, I don't.

"So it's going to be, my family, the boys and maybe their families" Jack says typing something out on his laptop

"So, no one I know" I laugh, looking though bridal dress magazines

"Hey, you know the boys and my family" He grabs my hand, causing me to look up from the magazine.

"I know you don't talk to your dad anymore, and you don't want your mom there, I don't know why though, she loves me"

"Yeah, because you have money" I mumble

"What was that?" He kisses my hand

"Nothing" I smile


"Okay, so we need a signal, that if either of us want to leave, then we leave, immediately, okay?!" I panic, covering it with laughter, sitting in the passenger seat as we drive to my mothers house.

She's at a new boyfriends house. Her and the other one broke up, surprise surprise, he found out she was using him.

"Baby, relax, we'll be fine. I'm excited to finally meet someone from your family" Jack grabs my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze

"No! The signal is this!" I rub my nose. "Babe! You're not even looking! Take this seriously!" Him and I both laugh, knowing I'm panicking way too much

"Too late"

We pull into the long driveway of an overly fancy mansion, bigger than the last one on the other side of the hills.

Jack gets out, grabbing Ashton from the back seat while I sit staring out the window at the house.

"You coming?" Jack asks tapping on the window.

We walk up the steps, and I anxiously knock on the door.

The door opens revealing my mother in a skin tight red dress. She looks good, considering all the plastic surgery.

"Hi Mother"

"Gramma!" Ashton throws up her arms for a hug

"Ah, you must be Jack" My mother says ignoring Ashton and I, holding out her hand for Jack

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Y/l/n" Jack shakes her hand

"Please, it's Clarissa"

Oh god, here we go.

My mother only lets the people she's interested call her Clarissa, even after a while, my dad wasn't allowed to call her that.

Jack and my mother, start talking, wandering into the kitchen while Ashton and I look around the living room.

"Oh Jack, you're so funny!" I look back, seeing my mother, rubbing her hand across his back, going down to his arms making her way to his chest.

"Jack?" I rub my nose, trying to be subtle

"Yeah babe?" He walks over, kissing my forehead

"Can we please go? I'm uncomfortable" I whisper

"Baby, it's fine, I promise"

We make it to dinner in one piece. My mother was flirting with Jack the whole time but he doesn't see it. Ashton and I spent most of our time talking to Clark, my mothers new boyfriend.

He's a really nice guy, I feel so bad for him.

The personal chef calls us in for dinner and we all walk around the table.

"Jack, sit here beside me, so I can question your intentions with my daughter" My mother says, pointing to the chair beside her.

I sit beside Ashton on one side, Jack across from Ashton. My mother and her boyfriend on either end.

As dinner goes on, and the questions from my mother get more awkward.

"So Jack, I imagine your intentions are good, but what do you think my daughters intentions are? You know, she's not as experienced as I am" I choke on air as she leans over, clearly resting her hand on his knee. I can't help but laugh at the shocked look on Jack's face.

"Um" He shifts in his seat. "I think her intentions are genuine. I don't think she's using me or anything along that line"

Her arm moves, indicating that her hand is going higher. Jack looks at me with his eyes wide, he starts rubbing his nose, harshly. I shake my head, laughing.

"Are you sure?" My mother asks, moving her arm back and forth.

I pull out my phone, holding it in my hand

"If you'll excuse me, I'm getting a phone call" I put my phone up to my ear as I stand up, pretending I'm taking an important call

"Really?" Jack says, almost annoyed. I quietly laugh to myself.

I walk to the bathroom, pretending I'm talking to someone about something important. I wait a minute or two then head back out, seeing Jack with his head in his hands with my mothers hand way too high on his thigh.

"I'm sorry, we have to go, Jack-"

"YES! I mean, um, yes, why?" I shake my head laughing as he stands up.

"Jon needs you for some tour thing, let's go" He walks over to me, kissing my lips softly

"Fuck, thank you so much" He mumbles onto my lips

Jack grabs Ashton as I say goodbye to my mother and to Clark.

"It was lovely to meet you Jack, let's do this again sometime" My mother winks at Jack, causing him to almost take off running to the car. I laugh, shaking my head.

Poor Clark has no idea.

I get in the car, where Jack is sitting, hitting his head on the steering wheel.

"Never again. Never. Fuck, she's crazy!" Jack says still hitting his head. I smack his arm

"Don't swear! Ash is in here! And I don't wanna say it, but, I told you so"

"She's sleeping" He points to her already passed out in the back "And never let me doubt you again!"

*End Of Flashback*

"You know what, you're right, she's not coming" Jack shivers thinking about the time he met my mother

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