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June 16th 2021

Hey. It's currently 3:41 in the afternoon. It's sunny and awfully humid outside.
Things are going as expected. I'm more dependent on the oxygen tank now, and I'm not sure if I like that or not. I don't really like depending on things in my life.

Ashton and I are just arriving back home from a shopping trip. She got some new clothes and a colouring book. I just got coffee and a new book series.

As we're pulling up to the house, a familiar car is sitting in my drive way. I pull up beside it and see the tall brunette sitting in the drivers seat on his phone.

I get myself and Ashton out of the car by the time he notices we've pulled up.

He gets out of his car and waves over to Ashton and I. I wave back before Ashton sees him. As soon as she does, she runs and jumps in his arms.

"Corbee!" She shouts as he picks her up and walks over to me.

"How are you two girls today? Did you have fun shopping?" Corbyn asks grabbing the shopping bags from my hands.

"What are you doing here Corbyn? Not that I don't want you here, this is just, unexpected" I say causing him to laugh

"Jack asked me to check on you. Well, he wanted me to go shopping with you to help carry some bags but you two were already gone by the time I got here" Corbyn says as I unlock the front door.

He places Ashton down and puts the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Well, thank you, but I'm alright, I'm sure you have better things to be doing" I smile over to him as I place my purse down on the counter, while sitting at the island

"I can go if you want, but I can stay, hangout, maybe talk about some things" He says sitting down beside me

"Yeah, that's fine, I just have to get Ash down for a nap. You can stay down here if you'd like, have a snack, drinks, whatever you'd like" I smile towards him as I get up and walk towards the stairs

"Do you need any help, with, um, the stairs?" He asks, hesitating to stand up

"I'm good, thanks Corbyn"

I head up the stairs where Ashton already was. She was already laying in bed. I grab a book from her bookshelf and read to her softly as she gets cozy in her bed. As I'm reading to her, she finally falls asleep. I pull her blanket up to keep her warm and I shut off the lights.

I head back down the stairs to see Corbyn on his phone, eating some chips. He hears me place my tank on the ground, he stands up to help me to the couch.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask as he grabs the chips, bringing them to the couch with us

"Well.. You told me that you're dying, but, how?" He asks turning on the tv, going to Netflix, acting like we aren't talking about me dying

"Um, cancer, stage 3" I look down, playing with my rings

"So.. you don't have hair?" He asks and I laugh.

"That's what your question is?" I laugh. "You could've asked anything and that's what it is" I laugh again, pulling off my wig

"Holy shit" He says pulling me into a hug

"At first I didn't believe you, but holy shit. I'm so sorry" He hugs me tighter

"It's okay, Corbyn, don't worry about it" He pulls out of the hug and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n" He says again but I shake my head and laugh.

"There's nothing to apologize for, nothing anybody can do about it now, I'm just going to live my life to the fullest from now on" I smile big causing Corbyn to laugh

Corbyn wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer as he turns on a movie.

As we're about half way though, Ashton comes running down the stairs, sitting in between us, watching the movie with us.

We finish watching the movie and Corbyn takes his arm off around me, he stands up and heads to the door, without saying a word.

"Corbyn? You can always stay for dinner" I say standing up while he starts putting his shoes on

"I don't think that's a good idea" He says tying his laces

"What? Why?" I ask as Ashton runs over to him

"Please stay Corbee!" Ashton says waving her hands in the air. Corbyn picks her up and she hugs him tightly.

"Okay, maybe I can stay for a little longer"


"Are you okay with pasta?" I ask going to the kitchen, grabbing a pot out

"I got it, sit down. Ash and I will cook, right Ash?" Corbyn says giving her a tickle causing her to laugh.

As Corbyn and Ashton cook, I sat at the kitchen island watching them. Ashton was so happy dancing around with Corbyn. Corbyn would sometimes burst out singing, and he's an incredible singer!

"Corbyn! You can really sing! You're incredible!" I burst out, causing him to blush

"Yeah, um, thank you. I've been working really hard to be the best I can be" He says looking away from me, cheeks still red. Weird

Every once and a while I catch Corbyn staring at me, I don't think much of it, maybe he's just seeing if I'm watching them cook, or he's staring at my bald head.

"It's done mommy!" Ashton shouts carrying herself a plate to the table.

"Come on, I got you a plate too" Corbyn says carrying over two plates to the dining table

I get up and go to the dining table and sit down. Corbyn and Ashton sit across from me. I slowly eat while watching Corbyn teach Ashton some 'eating pasta techniques' Whatever that means.

Half way through eating, Corbyn gets a call. He picks up the phone and his eyes widen

"It's Jack, he wants to FaceTime"

"Answer it!" Ashton shouts. I nod my head, not seeing the problem with it.

"Hey Jack, how's it going?" Corbyn says, looking at me then back at Jack

"Hey man, did you end up stopping at Y/n's place like I asked?" Jack says sounding almost exhausted

"Hi Jack!" Ashton says waving her hand in front of Corbyn's face so Jack can see her

"Hi Ash! Where's mama?" Jack says with a laugh

"Oh" Corbyn says looking at me, pointing to his head.

"Hi Jack" I say with a smile, still sitting in my seat

"Come here baby, I wanna see you" Jack says and I smile.

Corbyn again, points to his head. I stand up and rub the top of my head.

Shit, my wig.

Corbyn continues talking with Jack while I walk to the living room, quickly putting my wig on, making sure it's on properly. I walk back over to Corbyn and get into view of the camera.

"Hi Jack, how's Hawaii?" I ask leaning down so I'm in frame

"There's my beautiful girl! Hawaii's good, it's really nice seeing Lav" Jack flips the camera to show us Lavender playing in the sand at the beach. "I really miss you guys"

"We miss-"

"I miss you too! Bring Lav back" Ashton interrupts me, causing all of us to laugh

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