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June 30th, 2021

It's currently 10:36 in the morning. It's raining today. After the last few days I've had, I think rain is the perfect fit.
It's been a rough few days. Emotions are at an all time high, chest pain is, well, still painful.

Jack left that night, when he told me how scared he was. He hasn't talked to me since. Not answering my phone calls, not reading my texts.

I decided to give him space, I stopped messaging him.

I don't want to push him away, but maybe I should.

Who knows, maybe the cancer became too much? Maybe he finally realized I'm not good to be around.

Corbyn came around this morning, he's been helping me with cleaning around the house, stuff Jack would help with if he was here.

"I'm done mopping, your majesty" Corbyn says bowing in front of me, still holding the mop

"Thank you, royal subject" I laugh taking the mop from his hands

"Hey! That's rude" He laughs following me to the closet to put everything away

"Can we finally watch a movie now? Just have some popcorn, cuddle" Corbyn says grabbing my hand, walking towards the couch

"We can watch a movie, but we're definitely not cuddling" I shake my head, sitting on the couch

"We'll see about that. I'll make popcorn, you pick a movie"

Corbyn walks off to the kitchen while I set up a movie. I gotta strategize which movie I pick. I can't pick romance because I don't want to give Corbyn the wrong idea.

"Here you go, ma'am" Corbyn says placing a bowl of popcorn on my lap

"Thank you, kind sir" Corbyn comes and sits next to me, I put on The Fast and The Furious because I know Corbyn is into cars.

Corbyn and I get about half way though the movie, when Corbyn puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"You know I'm with Jack" I say grabbing his arm and removing it from touching me

"But Jack's not here" He says pausing the movie and raising his eyes brows at me

"I'm giving him space. His girlfriend is dying, you know?" I laugh and Corbyn shakes his head with a smile

"Come on, Come cuddle" He says smiling while I get up

"You're just lonely Corbyn" I say walking to the door, opening it and waving my hand for him to leave

"Come be lonely with me" He says patting the couch beside him where he still sits comfortably

"Y/n?" I turn to look out the door and see Jack walking up

"Jack?" I pull him into a hug and just hold him tight

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he pulls out of the hug and grabs my hand

"I need to show you something. Hey Corbyn, can you watch Ash for a bit?" Jack yells into the door

"Yeah man, good luck" Corbyn yells back

"What? What's happening?" I laugh as Jack closes the door to my house and takes me to his car

"I gotta show you something" He says opening his car door for me.

Jack closes my door and gets in his side. He doesn't say another word as he leaves my drive way and starts headed towards the hills.

It's a awkward silence, seeing as how I haven't heard from him in days.

Do I say something?
Do I ask him where he's been?

"So.. um-"

"I'm sorry I left so abruptly and never got back to you. I've been a little busy with this" Jack says almost reading my thoughts

"No, it's okay, I get you needed some space, I didn't want to bother you" Jack smiles while shaking his head

"I didn't want space, I just couldn't be around you, without spoiling the surprise" Jack says grabbing onto my hand and kissing the back of it

"Surprise?" I question him

"We're almost there" Jack squeezes my hand

We continue the drive, in a peaceful silence with the sound of rain hitting the car.

Jack finally pulls up in a overly fancy looking houses drive way. He stops the car and stares at me. I examine the house a little closer and my jaw falls open.

"You didn't!?" I scream punching him in the arm

"Your keys, my love" Jack says handing me a set of house keys

Jack and I get out of the car and head to the front door, Jack let's me unlock it and we step into the large house. I step further inside and my eyes start to gloss over.

The living room is connected to the overly large kitchen. Beside the kitchen There's a long hallway that's got three doors down it.
In the living room there's a stone fireplace beside a wall full of windows to the back yard. There's another hallway with another three doors down it. In the back yard, there's a large swimming pool, which I can't use, but it'll be nice for everyone else.

"So? What do you think?" Jack asks walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"This is too much, Jack. It's absolutely perfect" I turn around, still in his arms, kissing his soft lips

"There's something I want to do, before we get anything moved in here" He says pulling out his phone, walking towards the kitchen island. I follow behind him.

"What do you want to do first?" I ask as he turns on music

"Dance with me" He says holding out his hand for me to take

"What? Dance?" I laugh

"Yeah, put your tank on your back, and dance with me" Jack says picking up my tank for me to slide on my back.

I do as he says and put it on, he grabs my hand as Fall Apart by Post Malone plays, echoing through out the empty house.

Jack wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me as close as possible, as I rest my hands around his neck. We sway softly to the music as Jack quietly sings along.

It's in moments like these where I feel like I'm finally where I belong. Like, this is my forever, in Jack's arms.

Then I come to realize, my forever is going to be here with Jack, it's just not going to be his forever.

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