
340 13 0

May 27th 2021

Hi. It's currently 7:56 in the morning. It's mostly cloudy but the sun is trying to shine through.
It's another day of chemo. I'm wondering if I should just give up on it, it's not going to cure me, it's just slowing down the dying process. But why constantly feel like shit if it's not going to change anything, right?

I throw on a wig as I'm in quite the rush.

Jack offered to watch Ashton today, since it's Lavender's last day in LA. I want Ashton to be able to spend as much time with her friend as she can since we don't know when Lavender will be coming back.

I told Jack I had a doctors appointment so he willingly offered his services to take her for a few hours.

I really do appreciate him for this.

I gather all of the things I think Ashton will need, and I'm sure if it's not in the bag then Jack will definitely have it for Lavender, so she should be fine.

Ashton and I are in the car, driving to Jack's house, and I'm trying to remember it from memory from the day I drove them home from the park. I turn down random streets until I find something that looks somewhat familiar and eventually make it to his house.

I grab Ashton and her bag from the car and carry her to the front door. I knock lightly and hear a shuffle on the other side, then the door opens to reveal a bushy brown haired boy with dark brown eyes with the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong house" I say with a smile, turning around

"Wait! You're Y/n, right?" The boy asks

"I am. Do I know you?" I ask and I see Lavender running around in the house behind him

"Hi, I'm Zach, Jack's friend. You're definitely as beautiful as Jack said you are" Zach says and I blush

"Thank you, is he here? He's supposed to watch Ashton for a few hours" I ask and Zach motions for me to come inside.

"JACK!" Zach yells walking into the kitchen.

Jack comes running in, with only a towel around his waist.

"Oh Y/n! Hey, I like your haircut!" Jack says and I panic.

I feel my hair and realize I'm wearing the wrong wig. Well, I guess I have short wavy brown hair now that goes to my chin.

"Thank you" I smile then eye Jack up and down, Jack notices then looks down at himself.

When he looks up, he's red from embarrassment

"I'm sorry, give me two minutes" Jack says running up the stairs and I laugh watching him try to hold his towel so it doesn't fall.

I put Ashton down and she runs over to Lavender who's sitting on the couch watching tv. I walk over to Zach, in the kitchen, he's stuffing his face with pancakes.

I place Ashton's bag on the counter.

"So how do you know Jack?" I ask

"Oh, we know each other from music, him and I are in a-"

"Zach!" Jack shouts walking up behind me, causing me to flinch.

"What?!" Zach shouts back for no reason

"You were supposed to be watching Lavender while I showered" Jack shakes his head laughing

"Right, sorry" Zach says back, walking to the living room with the girls

"He's not watching Ash, is he?" I ask laughing

"God no, I hardly trust him with Lav" He laughs with me as he walks me to the door.

"Bye baby! I'll see you in a few hours" I say to Ashton.

She jumps off the couch and runs to give me a hug

"Bye mommy! I love you!" She gives me the biggest smile and runs back to Lavender.

I say goodbye to Zach and Jack and get out to my car. As I'm opening my car door, I hear someone shout my name

"Y/n! Wait!" I turn around a see Jack, running towards me

"Are you okay? Is Ash okay?!" I start to panic, Ashton's only been in there for 30 seconds

"I'm okay, Ashton's perfectly fine, don't worry" Jack slightly chuckles until he sees the concern on my face.

"She's okay, I promise" He says rubbing his hand, up and down on my arm.

"So what's up? What did you come running out here for?" I ask opening my car door and getting in to start it

"Um, I was wondering, can I take you out, on a date sometime?" Jack asks nervously and I feel my cheeks immediately go red.

I close the car door, Jack immediately looks down, disappointed. I roll down the window, letting out a giggle

"As much as I want to say yes, I don't know if that's a good idea" I sign, knowing I'd love to go on a date with Jack, but there's one thing holding me back.

I'm dying.

"Please, one date, if you hate me after that, then it'll be the best first and last date of my life" He says with a smile

"Sure, just tell me when" I smile as his eyes widen

"Really?" Jack asks with a huge smile on his face

"Text me the details before I change my mind" I smile and start backing out of his driveway. I see Jack quickly run inside as I drive off to the hospital.

I get in the ward and Donna is there like always, waiting for me.

"Hi sweetie" She says walking me over to the same chair I sit in every time, right next to the window. I look out while she hooks up the IV.

"Next week is your appointment, are you ready?" She asks, handing me a juice box.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess" I smile at her. She nods her head, then walks away.

I watch out the window for a while until I decide to finish reading my Bloodlines book. I've got about two chapters left of the first one, so I'm glad I bought the second.

After a few hours, Donna comes back taking my IV out. I pull out my phone and to check the time, when I notice Jack texted the details for the date.

On the 31st, since he'll be in Hawaii with Lavender and her mom. Wear something cute and comfortable, he'll pick me up at 4.

I'm glad it's on the 31st, that'll be a few days before I get the oxygen tank.

I gather up all my things, say goodbye to the nurses and head back to Jack's house to get Ashton.

I pull into the drive way, slowly getting out of the car, I already feel nauseous.

I walk up to the front door and knock lightly, in case the girls are napping. Jack opens the door, covered in paint and hand prints, I can't help but laugh when I notice the blue line of paint across his forehead.

"Hey Y/n, how was the doctors?" Jack asks as he opens the door wider for me to walk in.

"It was okay, thank you. How was Ash?"

"Mommy!" Ashton yells running over to give me a hug

"She was great! We had a paint party, she may be a little messy still, I'm sorry" Jack says as I pick up Ashton.

"Thank you Jack, I owe you" I grab Ashton's bag off the kitchen counter

"I'll see you on Monday" Jack says as I walk towards him at the door. I smile and kiss his cheek, instantly turning him red.

"I'll see you then"

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