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June 11th 2021

Hey. It's currently 9:43 in the morning. It's a dark gloomy day in LA.
I've decided to keep writing in here, even though I'm not doing treatments. I think it'll be nice for someone to read one day. If anyone would even want to read this

I wake up in Jack's arms. He insisted I spent the night because he was scared to leave me alone. I didn't want to bother him and his family by staying at their house, but they all insisted.

It was really hard to keep my wig on while I cuddled with Jack. He was running his hands through it and I was so scared he'd accidentally pull it off.

It'd crush him to know I lied for so long.

Ashton slept in Lavenders room while I slept with Jack. I think I hear Ashton awake with Kristin.

I pull out my phone to make sure my wig is on properly before rolling over in bed so I'm facing Jack, he looks so peaceful. I start running my hands through his soft brown hair until I see him form a slight smile.

"Good morning beautiful" Jack says in a raspy voice, not even opening his eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head" I kiss his cheek before sitting up in the bed.

"No, please stay" Jack says grabbing around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I gotta get up to change my tank, I'm almost out" I smile and feel Jack jump up in bed.

"I'll get it, stay here" He quickly puts a black hoodie on while tying the string on his grey sweatpants. He walks out of the room while I laugh and shake my head.

About a minute later he comes back into the room.

"Where am I getting it from?" He asks with a slight smirk

"Trunk of my car" Jack runs back in, kissing my cheek then going to my car.

I get out of bed and to the bathroom. I do my business, touch up my eyebrows and make sure I'm presentable.

I make my way down the stairs when Jack runs in the front door.

"Babe, I finally found it!" He yells, not noticing I'm half way down the stairs. He finally looks up.

"Nope. Not happening. Sit down"

"What? Why?" I laugh but do as he says, I sit down in the middle of the stairs.

Jack runs over to me on the stairs and starts hooking up my new oxygen tank. I've shown him how to do it before, just in case I run out unexpectedly and I'm unable to do it myself.

As Jack takes the breathing tube off one to move to the other, I notice it gets significantly harder to breathe without the extra oxygen.
Jack notices I'm struggling so he tries to hurry but still do it right.

"How's that, baby? Better?" Jack asks standing up, kissing my head

"Thank you Jack"

Jack holds my hand and carries my tank down with the other hand. We slowly make it into the kitchen where Ashton, Kristin and Isla are making breakfast.

"Mommy!" Ashton yells running over to me. I bend down and give her a hug.

She throws her arms up like she wants to be picked up and it's like I almost can't even look at her. Jack notices my disappointment and immediately picks her up and throws her into the air.
It's sweet watching him with Ashton, he really treats her like family.

"Do you three need help?" Jack asks walking into the kitchen with Ashton.

I sit at the kitchen island, watching them cook pancakes. My mind gets lost in thought when I think about how happy they all look. They all look like such a happy family, dancing around to music, making pancakes.

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