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*Jack POV*

"Call 911" Y/n says before I even have time to process what she says, she starts falling to the ground.

I run to catch her before her head hits the floor.

I immediately call for an ambulance when my head clicks on what's happening.

I brush Y/n's hair out of her face while trying to talk to her, to make sure she's okay. Or if she can hear me, she'll know I'm here with her.

"Baby, it's okay. They're on their way. They're going to help you, I promise. You'll be okay. I love you, okay?" I whisper.

By the time I hear the ambulance, a crowd was formed around the restaurant parking lot, watching us. I look up to see the ambulance pulling up beside us, but right before it blocks the view, I see paparazzi.

Are you kidding me?

"Sir, I need you to step back so I can look at her, okay?" I knock myself out of my daze and see both paramedics trying to get to Y/n but I'm holding her tightly.

"Sorry" I say letting her go, and the paramedics take off her breathing tube and put one of their own on her

"Why does she have the oxygen?" They ask and I don't really know how to answer because I don't really know what the answer is

"She has lung problems" This is where it clicks. What kind of boyfriend am I if I don't even know what's wrong with her?

"We have to take her to the hospital, are you riding with us?" One of them asks. I nod my head as I follow them with Y/n on a stretcher, putting her into the back of the ambulance.

I climb in the back and the paramedics tells me where to sit. I sit beside Y/n but out of the way so the gentleman can do his work. I hold her hand as tight as I can without hurting her.

The ride to the hospital was fast and to me it was a blur from the tears flowing down my cheek and my nose starting to run.

She has to be okay, I don't know what I'll do without her.

When we make it to the hospital, they immediately wheel her away and I try to follow but a nurse stops me. I'm told to wait in the waiting room until they found out what's wrong and I'm able to see her.

I take this opportunity to call my mom, tell her she'll have to watch Ashton for longer than expected. She told me to keep her updated and she knows I will.

I decide to call Zach, since he's my best friend, and he happens to be with all the others.

"I don't know what to do you guys. She just collapsed. It's my fault. I pushed her too far, we should've just stayed at home watching movies or something" I whisper, trying to keep quiet in the waiting room.

"Hey, it's not your fault, she didn't want her lungs to hold her back from having the best day with you" Zach says trying to cheer me up and it somewhat works

"Can I come? I think I know what's going on" Corbyn says as I make a questionable face, even though he can't see it

"Yeah, I've been in the waiting room for over an hour, so I'm hoping it won't be long soon. I'll see you when you get here" I hang up the phone and rest my head on the back of the seat.

She's going to be okay. She has to be okay. I love her, I have to stay positive.

It's been quite a while since I've been waiting, I'm starting to get impatient. I rest my head in my hands when all of a sudden a feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Corbyn.

"Hey.. Have you heard anything?" He asks and I shake my head

"She'll be okay, I hope" Corbyn says and I roll my eyes

"Of course she'll be okay, she just needed a new tank of oxygen, and I didn't think of keeping one in my car" I say annoyed. As if he had the audacity to say, 'I hope'

"Who's here for Y/n Y/L/N?" Corbyn and I both whip our heads in the direction of the voice, seeing a doctor standing in the door way.

Corbyn and I stand up and rush over

"That's us" I say and Corbyn nods in agreement

"How is she?" Corbyn asks

"She's good, she's currently sleeping, she needs the rest. She's getting weaker, but since it's due to her condition, she's okay" She says walking, I follow the doctor as Corbyn follows close behind me.

"I'm going to have to ask you guys to talk to her, try to see if she's willing to start treatment again. Try your best, if she still says no, there's not much we can do" The doctor says stopping in front of Y/n's room door.

"Treatment? What treatment?" I ask confused

"Fuck.." Corbyn whispers, causing me to turn to look at him. He's got his head down, running his hands though his hair

"Chemotherapy. If she wakes up and wonders, her wig is on the side table" With that the doctor walks away.

Chemotherapy? It's not anything bad, right? Right?! Oh who am I kidding. She must not be good.

I feel like I just got her, and I'm already losing her. I love this girl, I can't lose her yet.

And wig? No wonder she changed hair so quickly. No wonder her hair never grew.

Tears start to fall from my eyes and I work up the courage to finally go in.

I quietly open the door, taking a deep breath before stepping in. She looks so peaceful sleeping in her hospital bed. She looks beautiful, even with the bald head.

I wipe my eyes as I walk over to her. I grab a chair, placing it a quietly on the floor beside her bed. Corbyn does the same.

I sit down beside her, grabbing into her hand and kissing the back of it.

"So, you knew?" I say quietly, still looking at

"Yeah. She told me not to tell you, but I kept begging her to mention it to you" Corbyn says and I nod

"So what is it exactly?" I ask, looking away from Y/n, not knowing if I can take to know what she's got

"Lung cancer, stage three" He whispers and more tears start streaming down my face.

I place my free hand over my mouth, making sure I don't make a sound

Corbyn places his hand my on back, trying to give me comfort but let's be honest, nothing will when you find out your girlfriend has cancer.

We sit like this for a while. No talking. The only sounds in the room were the beeps of the machines attached to Y/n and the sounds of our breathing.

I didn't let go of her hand until Corbyn said he was going to leave, since it was almost one in the morning. I walk him out and thank him for coming then head back to her room.

I don't want her to wake up alone.

A nurse brings me a pillow and blanket to sleep on the couch because they knew I wasn't going to leave her side.

I stay up a little longer, just talking to her, telling her it'll be alright. I then head to the couch, and force myself to sleep, even if I fell asleep crying.

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