Twenty Nine

292 10 0

September 23rd, 2021

Hi.. It's currently 3:57 in the afternoon. It's sunny and bright, just how we wanted it.
This day is going to be one of the best of my life, but I can't help but feel terrified. I can feel my body shutting down. I'm hoping I can make it through the wedding without anyone noticing.

Today is our wedding day. The day Jack and I get married. It's crazy to think of it like that.

Gabbie and Lavender flew in yesterday to come to the wedding. Lavender and Ashton are going to be the flower girls.

Sydney, Ava, Ashley and Isla are going to be my bridesmaids while the boys are all going to be the best men.

The girls and I finished their hair and makeup appointments so we're finally back at the beach house we rented to get ready.

"How are you feeling?" Sydney asks startling me. She walks in with my dress

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine, everything's fine"

"Well you sound nervous. The wedding will be fine! Everyone's double checking everything" Sydney hangs up my dress on the bathroom door

"Oh, the wedding, yeah, I'm a little nervous" I lie. I can't let her know

"The bridesmaids are just getting their dresses on in the room next door. The boys, who knows because they're in the house a few houses down, but mom is there so hopefully she's whipping them into shape"

Sydney puts her dress on, which is a nice baby blue. All girls are in the same colour but different styled dresses. All the boys are in black suits with bow ties, except Jack is wearing a necktie.

Once Sydney gets her dress on, she helps me with mine. It's just as beautiful as I remember.

I decided to wear no shoes, since we'll be on the beach, heels and sand don't go together.

"5 minutes ladies! The boys are already out there!" Kristin yells throughout the house.

All the girls come running into the room I'm in, and they all look gorgeous

"Ready?" Ava asks with a smile on her face

"I'm ready" Isla hands me my bouquet of white lilies

We walk to the back door that leads out to the beach where Kristin is standing.

"You look beautiful sweetie" She kisses my cheek then gives me a worried look. She puts her hand on my forehead then removes it

"Y/n, you have a fever, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, just a little nervous" I smile trying to cover up that I'm terrified

I'm not terrified to marry Jack, I'm more than excited to marry him. I'm terrified for what's after.

"Okay, if it gets worse, tell me" I nod my head

"You look gorgeous Y/n" I look to my side and see Gabbie with Lavender and Ashton

"Thank you so much for coming Gabbie" I pull her in for a quick hug, then get myself ready to go

"Ready to go?" Corbyn asks opening the door for me.

"Let's go"

A soft melody plays on a little stereo we brought out to the beach. The best men walk down first, as Jack is already standing at the end. The bridesmaids walk down next, following them is Ashton and Lavender.

People start laughing at the pair as they start throwing flower petals at the people sitting and watching.

"Ready m'lady?" Corbyn asks holding out his arm

"Let's do this" I smile, wrapping my arm around his.

Corbyn and I start walking down the beach to the little area we have set up.

The closer we get the more people I realize are here. All the boys families are here, all of their friends. A lot more people than I thought.

Hopefully I don't do anything embarrassing.

"Hey" Corbyn whispers


"Are you okay?" He looks down at me, worried

"Can I be honest?" He raises his eye brows at me, assuming it's a signal for me to continue

"I don't think I'm gonna make it" I whisper for no reason. No one else is close enough to hear us.

"What do you mean? You don't have to marry Jack, you know?"

"No, Corbyn, I think I have to go to the hospital"

Corbyn stops in his tracks but everyone is already looking at us, so I pull him along so no one thinks anything's wrong

"We're going as soon as the ceremony is over, okay?"

I nod my head and focus back on the man in front of me. Jack looks way too good in his suit.

I'm so glad I'm marrying him.

Jack looks at me with tears in his eyes, I can't help but smile as I let a few tears fall too.

Jack walks towards us, giving Corbyn a hug, then grabbing my hand.

"You look so beautiful" He whispers

"You look very handsome"

I hand my flowers to Sydney before turning to face Jack. Corbyn whispers something in Jack's ear, and Jack immediately loses his smile.

I hate you, Corbyn.

Jack whispers to the priest and he nods his head.

The priest skips a lot of the normal things you'd hear at a wedding, we say our vows and exchange rings, it was a beautiful ceremony but it went so quickly.

"You may now kiss your bride" He says and Jack pulls me in, placing a hand on my cheek while he places his lips on mine.

Everyone around us cheers and yells. I feel like such a princess.

Jack pulls out of the kiss, taking my hand and we walk down the isle while people still cheer.

When we get far enough away, Jack stops and turns to look at me

"Baby, what's going on? You're so pale and hot, Corbyn said we have to go to the hospital"

I look down, so disappointed in myself. I shouldn't have said anything.

I just shrug my shoulders

"No baby, this is the time for words, if you don't say anything, I'm carrying you to the car to go to the hospital" I nod my head as tears begin to fall

"I'm okay, I just don't feel good"

"Promise?" He asks

I shake my head no as tears start to fall harder

"I'm just going to tell my mom we're going to the hospital, okay? I'll be right back"

I look back seeing Jack run over to his mom, who is still over talking to the other families at the wedding.

I look over, seeing Corbyn making his way over to me. I smile at him, waving.

The closer he gets, the blurrier he gets. I try to wave my hand, to fan myself off but it's no use. I knew this was coming.

By the time Corbyn makes it a few feet away from me, everything goes black.

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