Twenty One

285 13 0

July 10th 2021

It's currently 3:13 in the after noon. It's sunny with a few clouds.
I'm feeling good today, my moods been really good, I haven't coughed in a few days, so that's always a plus, I think. Over all, I think days are looking up for me right now.

Ashton and I are just getting home from grocery shopping.

I almost drove to the wrong house, completely forgetting that we moved. I've definitely done that a few times already but no one has to know, it's a little embarrassing.

"Let's go in the house to get Jack to help us carry the groceries, okay?" I ask Ashton as I help her out of the car

"Let's get daddy!" Ashton yells running to the house.

She started calling Jack, dad. I haven't talked to Jack about how he feels about it yet, but he hasn't said anything since she started, but I think he hasn't said anything to be nice.

Ashton opens the door and runs in, I follow her in and close the door

"Daddy!" Ashton yells

"Daddy? Who's she?" A female voice that I don't recognize says

I follow the voices into the living room where I see a girl with long curly, dirty blonde hair, she's absolutely gorgeous.

"And who's she, Jack?" She asks again

"Um, hey guys, I didn't think you'd be back this early" Jack says, clearly looking nervous

"Hi, I'm Y/n, this is my daughter Ashton. Who are you?" I ignore Jack's comment and continue with conversation

"Gabbie, Lavender's mom" She looks back at Jack

"Is she here!?" Ashton yells

"Yeah, she's in her room" Gabbie says pointing down the hall causing Ashton to take off running.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't get her room fully set up yet" I smile which earns me a glare from both Jack and Gabbie

"You know, you two need to talk, I'll go out and get the groceries" I turn around to head out the door but a hand grabs my wrist

"You know you can't do that, can you just go wait in your room until we're done?" Jack asks causing me to flare my eyebrows.

My room? It's never just been my room, it's ours. I nod my head before pulling my wrist away, walking towards our room.

I walk in our room, about to sit on the bed when Jack yells

"Close the door please"

I close the door and sit on the bed.

I wonder why Jack didn't want me around with Gabbie. Maybe he never told her about me, I don't mind, I'm not really something to parade around.

My thoughts are cut off with yelling

"I'm not letting her watch our daughter!" Gabbie yells

"She's watched her before, what's the problem now?!" At least he's defending me

"Jack, don't make me say it!"

"Just say it Gabbie!"

"She has cancer! She's not safe around our daughter!" A tear slowly falls down my face

"Seriously? It's not contagious, how is Lav not safe?"

"What if something happens? I'm not leaving our daughter alone with her!"

More tears fall as I listen to them argue about me. I understand where Gabbie is coming from, I can't blame her.

"For god sakes, nothings going to happen. She's a mother, she knows what she's doing"

"Why are you even with her? Do you just feel bad for her?"

"I love her"

"I'm sure you do" I could almost feel her roll her eyes from here


Shit. That's Ashton.

I open the door to our room, and look down the hall seeing Ashton walking towards the living room where Jack and Gabbie are.

"Ash? Want to go get ice cream?" I ask walking down the hall, wiping my tears on my sweater sleeve.

"Can Lav come?!" She jumps up and down.

I look towards Jack and Gabbie, almost ready to cry again. I look back down at Ashton and shake my head

"I'm sorry hunny, she needs to stay with her mom and dad"

"Y/n, can you please take Lavender with you?" Jack asks causing Gabbie to stand up

"I don't think it's appropriate"

"Please mommy" Ashton asks

"It's up to Lavenders mom if she can come"
Ashton looks at Gabbie while I move my head to face the floor.

I don't even think I can look at her without crying. Why? I'm not even sure I know.

Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't trust me with her daughter because I have cancer, or maybe it's the fact that she doesn't think Jack loves me.

Or maybe it's the fact that I'm now questioning Jack's love for me because of her.

"Yeah, she can go, just call one of us if something happens" Gabbie finally says.

I nod my head in agreement before Ashton takes off to get Lavender.

I head out to my car to get the groceries out so I don't have to take them with us to get ice cream. Plus I don't want the milk to go bad sitting in my warm car.

I grab out two bags since it's all I can handle at a time with pulling my tank with me.

I walk through the door with the bags in my hand and Jack's head whips in my direction

"I told you not to carry them, Y/n! Put them the fuck down!" Jack yells, immediately causing tears to fall from my eyes.

I drop the bags on the floor and walk to the door.

The girls run up behind me, I grab Jack's car keys that are hanging on the hook and leave with the girls.


"So, Gabbie doesn't trust you around Lav and Jack yelled at you for carrying bread?" Corbyn asks, licking his ice cream cone while we sit on a bench watching the girls play at the playground

"Yeah, cancer is a real deal breaker apparently. With Jack, I don't really know. He's never yelled at me before, our relationship was always sunshine and rainbows. I guess it was always too good to be true" I force a smile before taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"Why don't I drop off Lav, you two can stay at my place until things cool down? Jonah and Eben won't mind, plus I think Ash needs her best friend right now"

"Her best friend?"

"Me, duh"

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