
311 10 0

June 20th 2021

Hey again. It's currently 5:49. The sun is already going down, but it was a beautiful day out.
I'm feeling extra weak today, but I'm trying my best not to show it. Too much movement causes me to get dizzy.

I'm currently just getting out of the shower, getting ready for my dinner date with Jack. He said we were going somewhere fancy, so to dress accordingly.

I dress in a short, flowy, dark blue dress that goes just past my knees. I wear some natural makeup, nothing too glamorous and my regular short brown haired wig.

I make my way down the stairs to make sure Ashton has a bag packed to go over to see Jack's mom. Kristin really enjoys seeing her, maybe because she's around Lavenders age and they don't get to see her as much as they'd like.

Once I make sure Ashton's bag is packed and ready, there's a knock on the door. Ashton runs and opens the door, knowing it's Jack.

"Hey Ash! Are you ready to go see Kristin?" Jack asks as I walk towards the door, seeing him holding red roses

"I'm ready! Let's go mommy!" She says getting excited

"Wow" Jack says looking over to me. "You look beautiful"

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself. Are you ready to go?" I ask them both, while grabbing my purse

"Your flowers" Jack says handing me the roses

"Thank you Jack, they're beautiful" I kiss his cheek and put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen.

Jack takes Ashton out to his car while I lock up the house. I walk slowly, knowing Jack would call me out if I walked faster than my normal speed. As soon as Jack sees me close to the car, he runs over and opens my door for me.

We drop off Ashton at Jack's house and head to the restaurant.

When we pull up, it immediately looks incredibly fancy. Jack shuts off the car and runs to my side to open my door. He takes out my tank and holds out his hand for me to take

"My lady" Jack says as I step out of the car

"What a gentleman" I reply as we slowly walk into the restaurant.

We get inside and it's even more fancy than the outside. I definitely didn't dress up enough for this. The lights are dim and there's a small chandelier over every table. The tables have long red silk table cloths with beautiful white lilies as a centre piece.

"Reservations for Avery, please" Jack says, sounding very proper walking up to the hostess counter.

"Right this way, Mister and Misses Avery" The hostess says, Jack and I follow her

"I like the sound of that" Jack whispers to me as we make it to our seats.

Jack pulls out my chair for me and pushes it in as I sit down. He gently hides my tank under the red table cloth before sitting down across from me. The hostess leaves us two menus and tells us our waitress will be right over to get us some drinks.

As we wait for the waitress, I slowly start going through the menu to see what they even serve here.

"Jack! Everything's so expensive!" I whisper yell

"Don't look at the prices, I'm treating you tonight" He sends me a cheeky smile which causes me to blush

"Hi, I'm Annie, I'll be your waitress this evening. Could I start you off with some drinks?" She asks with a friendly smile

"I'll just have a water, please" I say with a smile, trying to be as friendly as her

"I'll have the same" Jack says, putting down his menu

We get our waters and place our order. Jack and I have an amazing time. We share stories and get to know the little details about each other that we didn't need to know but wanted to anyways.

As the dinner goes on, I notice it gets harder and harder to breathe, but I don't think much of it, maybe it's the air in the restaurant.

Time continues and it just gets worse. I have to say something to Jack

"Jack?" I ask almost gasping for breath

"Y/n? What's wrong? You're really pale" Jack says as he starts to panic

"I can't breathe" I choke out, almost starting to cough.

Jack gets up and races around the table to my side. Jack kneels down pulling out my tank from underneath the table and I see the panic set in on his face.

"Baby, you're out of oxygen. We have to go" He says pulling out his wallet, throwing down a hand full of cash and helping me stand up.

I walk slowly with Jack holding my hand. My vision starts to fade to blackness but I keep shaking my head to keep myself from blacking out.

We make it out of the restaurant and I start coughing, trying to get any form of air that I can.

"Baby, it's going to be okay, we'll race to your house and it'll be okay" Jack says trying to bring me comfort but I know I won't make it that far

"Jack" I say stopping, seeing my vision fully go black

"Baby, come on, we're almost at the car. Don't stop" Jack says with his voice getting louder, I assume he's coming closer to me

"Call 911" I say before completely blacking out on the concrete groundeing my vision fully go black

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