
295 13 0

June 25th 2021

It's currently 4:47 in the after noon. It's cloudy today, but it's still sunny.
It's been a few days since I left the hospital. Jack's been staying with Ashton and I, to try to help me around the house. Jack's only left to go do something with his band, or to go home and change his clothes.

"How about this one, Baby?" Jack says turning his laptop for me to look at.

We're currently sitting at my kitchen table, Jack's sitting across from me.

He thinks it'd be good for me to move, somewhere where there isn't any stairs, which I agree on, but I don't want to move for a year then have myself go down hill

"Jack, that house has like, 4 bedrooms, I don't need it to be that big just for Ash and I" I giggle shaking my head

"Well, I need a room for Lavender when she comes to visit, you know" Jack smirks, causing me to squint my eyes

"Wouldn't she just stay with you and your mom?" I question causing Jack to laugh

"You're stupid, but I love you" He says still laughing

"Hey! I'm not that stupid!"

"Just let me move in with you" Jack says grabbing my hand from across the table

"What? You want to move in?" I look at him, shocked.

I didn't think we were ready for that, but I'll definitely take his offer. I'd love to have him around as much as I can

"Of course I do baby. Look at this house, it's got enough rooms for us and our daughters, and I can have my little studio for when the boys come over. What do you say?" Jack says spinning his laptop for me to look at the new house he found.

"Jack, it's gorgeous! But way too expensive, I can't afford that" I turn his laptop back towards him, going back to my phone

"You'll have the money from selling this house, and don't worry, I'll buy the house" Jack says grabbing my hand again and kissing the back of it

"No, at least let me pay half!" I squeeze his hand

"No" Jack smiles


"A quarter"

"I'm not going to win this, am I?" I laugh and Jack shakes his head

"I'll buy it, you can decorate it" He gets up, kissing the top of my head, grabbing his laptop and phone

"I'm at least paying a quarter!" I yell as he walks up the stairs

"No you're not!" He yells back

As Jack does whatever he's doing upstairs, I start making dinner.

Ashton should be back from her "play date" with Corbyn soon. He's been picking her up and taking her out every few days to hangout so I can rest and Jack can sort out things with Lavender and his ex girlfriend.

I really do appreciate the things Corbyn is doing for us, just it all seems a little weird now since Jack told me he's single. I don't know if Corbyn is being nice or if he's flirting. I hate how thin that line is.

After over an hour, I just finish up dinner when I hear a knock at the door. I make sure the oven and everything is turned off before I go to answer the door.

I open it to see Corbyn and Ashton

"Hi baby, how was your day with Corbyn?" I ask bending down to give her a hug

"It was good! We went to the park and had ice cream" She says, quietly mentioning the ice cream

"Ice cream?" I ask with a smirk

"Hey! That was our little secret!" Corbyn says going to chase after Ashton as she giggles running around the kitchen

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I ask Corbyn as he grabs Ashton, throwing her into the air before tickling her

"Yeah, if that's okay" Corbyn says as he nods, placing Ashton down in her seat at the table

"I'm just going to get Jack, I'll be right back. Help yourself to some food" He nods again as I slowly make my way upstairs.

I make my way up the stairs and the only door that's closed is my bedroom, so I assume Jack's in there.

I knock on the door, so he knows I'm entering and I slowly open the door.

"Hey Jack, dinners ready" I look over at him, he's got his head down in his hands and doesn't look up.

"Is everything okay?" I ask walking over to him. I hear him sniffle

"Ye-yeah" He stutters, shaking his head. He's crying, I can tell by the sound of his voice.

"What's wrong?" I pick up his head with my finger under his chin to make him look at me.

His eyes are bloodshot red and horribly puffy from crying for, who knows how long. Jack wipes his eyes on the sleeve of his sweater before he gives me a weak smile, as if he's trying to prove to me that he's strong.

"I'm scared" He chokes out, letting a tear fall from each eye.

"What are you scared of Jack?" I pull him into a hug and he begins to sob quietly on to my shoulder.

I rub his back, giving him any sort of comfort that I can as tears continue to fall from his eyes, and a few tears fall from mine.

I hate seeing him broken, I feel so helpless, like there's nothing I can do to help but I'm going to try my hardest to help him in anyway I possibly can.

"What are you scared of baby?"

"I'm so fucking scared to lose you"

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